Would you rather spend £250 or keep spending £4000 indefinitely?

Would you rather spend £250 or £4000? A nerve damage problem she's had for 42 years was resolved after just one Session. I also had the same experience with my 25 year old stiff neck and back pain. Although "only £40 or £50 a Session" sounds like a lot less it's astounding how quickly it adds up if your treatments are continual and ongoing year after year.

I looked up at the sky today. It might not sound like much however I’ve not been able to look up at the sky from that angle for years if not decades on account of a stiff inflexible neck and back pain.

Nature and the Sky. Photography by Marilyn Devonish

I was also mulling over how much I have spent on osteopathy over the past 25 years. It has got to be well over £5000 at a very conservative estimate because each Session is £65 + I have to add £20 of travel on top. Before I discovered the fabulous Healing Wand there were times, I was going every 6-8 weeks which puts the costs into the £15,000+ range.

“Only £40 or £50 a Session sounds a lot less than joining us”

Because my osteopathy Sessions have been far less frequent and intense than my friend; thank the lord for Huna, I asked this morning how much she estimates she has spent in the past 2 YEARS following a bad fall down a concrete staircase and damaging her hip. She said it’s got to be at least £3000 if not £4000 because not only has seen been seeing an osteopath; she was also doing a massage treatment at £40 a Session after the treatment, plus often doing a sometimes weekly Re-balancing Session at £50 per hour.

After her first Bamboo Healing Session the pain in her hip was gone, and it restored sensation in her leg which had nerve damage 42 years ago following surgery.

The small treatment fees still add up when you have to keep going year after year

Are You Looking for a More Permanent and Regenerative Solution?

The treatments and osteopath are all brilliant, and they add up, and they have not solved the problem; it was more a case of re-setting and re-balancing the body over and over and over again, month in month out year in year out.

I’ve had the equivalent of 1 1/2 Bamboo Treatments so far; one on my neck and shoulders and another ‘pain chasing’ around my body, and I’ve got far more mobility in my neck than anything I’ve done over the past 25 years since my back and neck started to cause problems.

If you suffer from muscle pain or stiffness, you can work out your own calculations.

I had the same conversation close to 20 years ago when a prospective clients asked about the price of my Breakthrough Sessions. The immediately retorted that their therapist only charged £35 an hour for their weekly sessions. When I asked how long they had been seeing them for an issue I would resolve in one Breakthrough Session they proudly stated: “12 years.” I left them to do the math.

You can read the Blog about my Bamboo Healing Session here: https://marilyndevonish.com/if-you-suffer-from-chronic-pain-or-long-standing-injuries-read-this/

It is ideally suited for those in sports and fitness who have to be able to operate at peak performance, builders and labourers who have to push through the pain, frozen shoulder, neck pain, back pain, muscle stiffness, loss of strength. You will find further details on the Eventbrite page.

As the Practitioner running the forthcoming Workshop put it:

“If people think they have tried everything they need to do this. It gives you back the muscles you had when you were 19 years old.”

This Isn’t for Everyone

Just as I explained today to another prospective Breakthrough Session client, this isn’t for everyone. For some it will be too far outside their sphere of thinking, for others they would be better suited to another form of therapy and treatment.

If however you have tried everything else and nothing has worked long-term this is definitely worth a look.

Book Your Place on the Exclusive Workshop

This is the first time this treatment has been showcased outside of China and Australia so it’s another Marilyn exclusive opportunity! And yes, if you’ve got $500 for 1 Session + flight, accommodation, and food money you can nip over to Australia instead however I think it’s probably far easier to just join us in Watford.

For those who have already booked I sent you a progress update this morning and a questionnaire will be winging its way over next week. The video links about the treatment for those who haven’t yet seen them are below.

To book a Session or attend the Intro Workshop to find out more go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bamboo-healing-workshop-tickets-55214502062

The Video Vlogs

I’ll be doing regular updates for those attending the Workshop. Below are 2 of the Vlogs created so far.

Vlog #2 The Ballet Update
Vlog #1

Contact Information

For further information and to find out about future Workshops or Session dates email Marilyn Devonish or use the Contact Form below and put Bamboo Healing in the subject line.

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess Coach

Email: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com

Website: http://www.tranceformationstm.com

Blog: https://marilyndevonish.com

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