The Power of Words & Small Acts of Kindness

This is a Facebook post I wrote in June 2015. The memory came up again today, 4 years later. For me it was a reminder how small things and tiny acts of kindness which cost nothing and take a few moments can change the trajectory of someone's day.

The 'Before' Photo . . . . Wait till you see the 'After!'

Do You Feel "Awful" Today?

Oh now this was just so cool and heartbreaking and heart warming all at the same time. So I'm walking through town and spotted a woman sitting on a bench as I was walking home. I thought she looked kinda cool and chic and I carried on walking under the archway.

My brain then said: "Go back and tell her!"

Ever obliging to 'the voices' I decided to stop, turn around, double back on myself and tell her.

She said:

"Oh thank you my darling. I can't tell you what that means to me! I just walked past a shop mirror and thought to myself 'Oh God. I look awful today!' Thank you. thank you."

I then smiled. Said she was most welcome. And walked away. I'm about a minute away by now and the voice pipes up again:

"You've got your phone with you. Why don't you ask her if you can take her photograph?"

My other logical brain is like: "What?????!!!!!!" However. Ever obliging I turn around. Double back on myself. Walk back. And ask her.

At first she agreed but only if she could turn away from the camera and didn't have to smile.

I took the first photo and showed it to her.

"Oh I want to smile now!"

She absolutely beamed and was delighted and after the first one where she looked away. She then said: "Oh I want to smile now!" And proceeded to burst into the biggest smile.

The Beautiful Beaming 'After' Photo

It just reminded me how easy it is to change the trajectory of your day and maybe even someone else's day too. It is so easy to crush the spirit of another, and I might even have inadvertently done that myself this week. It is just as easy, if not more so, to lift it up as well.

How many people go through their day not feeling great?

As I walked away, with both of us now grinning like Cheshire cats, all I could hear were her words "Thank you, thank you, thank you" echoing through the walkway which she continued to say as I walked away waving.

It really made me stop for a moment because that is the mantra of my Online and Facebook Magic & Gratitude Group so we share those words, said three times, in our daily interactions with each other where we share our success and challenges, and add those all important little increments of thanks and gratitude and support to each others day.


That made my day.

Marilyn Devonish


Is it Kindness or Just Being Human?

It really did make my day all those years ago, and whenever the picture pops up on my timeline I remember that day and smile. So simple yet so powerful, and I really do think she looked great.

In addition to her cool ensemble which you see in those 'running through the countryside' catalogues, I also loved the colours she had chosen.

As I write this I'm not even sure if it is kindness because I wasn't striving to be kind, simply sharing what I had observed the thought as I walked past, laden down with grocery shopping bags because it was one of those days where I was determined not to make two trips.

Go On – Make Someone's Day

I've had friends roll their eyes or raise an eyebrow when I've stopped in the street and told them to hang on while I speak to a complete stranger.

I remember once stopping a gentleman to say how divinely turned out he was; the 3 piece suit, incredible ties, gorgeous shoes, amazing shirt. As I turned to walk away I looked it his face and it only the great Ozwald Boateng! He was probably thinking "of course I look great! Do you know who I am!" LOL.

If you've never seen his tailoring you can check it out here:

And it's not always about the what someone is wearing. Paying a compliment about their personality, what they've done for you, or simply making the time; I sent a friend a seemingly random picture via Facebook Messenger today. They replied with:

"I NEEDED that" and started crying.

I believe our timing is often divine so if you feel moved to do something in that moment maybe go for it.

Wishing you all a fabulous and beautiful day.

Marilyn Devonish

The NeuroSuccess Coach

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