1. I hope she does not! Why give those Republicans the chance to repeat what they did to Obama? This talk is already giving them nightmares. Becoming the President is not going to elevate status than what she is now!

  2. What you are failing to understand is that Ronald Regan and others started their political careers in other political positions first and built a reputation in politics. Second President Trump is an established extremely successful businessman who learned how to run huge companies and corporations.

  3. This is the reason Oprah shouldn’t run for President. Elections are run on personalities not policy. The Oval Office is not aligned with Oprah highest good. The Oval Office belong to special interest groups who have a lot of power over what a President can do even if you self fund your campaign. The job of a President is to bring the best deal for its people which means finding or creating an enemy and kill them. Once you have slaughtered innocent people and ravaged their lands you will then send in contractors to rebuild that nation. Where do the contractors come from special interest groups. Do you think Oprah will do something like that? My answer is no and this is why I say the job is not for her.

  4. Ejay SoulGuide Well I guess that’s one way of summing up the job description! One thing I will say both about the Presidency and being Prime Minister is that it appears to suck the life out of people on a physical level. Just line up a few ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos, particularly for those who have done 2 terms. I imagine that the stress and pressure of it all is potentially enormous.

    • Indeed those two offices are about special interests. Hence the grey hair. I am sure Obama wanted to do more for black people in America’s crime justice system and its broken unfair practices. He didn’t go near it. He will do more now he is out of office.

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