Men, if you have no real interest in a woman why don’t you just leave her alone? Why pull this crap? As promised, my email address if you wanted to share anything outside of the public thread is: ma…

Men, if you have no real interest in a woman why don’t you just leave her alone? Why pull this crap?

As promised, my email address if you wanted to share anything outside of the public thread is: and you can also PM me.

#FacebookLive #Relationships #BeingHuman #HumanKindness #LifeLessons #SelfRespect

Marilyn Devonish <3


    • Janine As weird as it might sound it was actually fun for me because it isn’t my life and I was just an observer. In my line of work however I see the serious and sharp end of this kind of treatment. There have also been times where laughter has been by far the best cure to help someone move out of the ‘why hasn’t he called’ hole. I’m all about the Yin and the Yang LOL! 😉

    • I agree, they have their own inner insecurities and issues, that’s why it happens mostly. Or they just want something different, what is ‘their’ issue I really don’t think about it these days. Just 💁 wave goodbye with a smile. It’s best to know their true character at the start, as a lucky escape, we wouldn’t want to date a flakey man! It’s so easy to text and say something, it’s weak to just say nothing!

  1. Seriously though. Why? Heartlessness and simple disrespect for other people. Manipulative disingenuous men. They are a lesson for you to get stronger and decide you don’t need these losers.

  2. It’s really funny, was just watching a couple of great videos about this topic – and the thing that really honed in was if you are looking for commitment and your not getting it to look at where oneself isn’t committing in some areas in their life.

  3. I am serious. You do deserve the best M. You are too thoughtful, caring, intelligent and generally benevolently wonderful to be putting up with crap.
    They are intimidated by your energy maybe. Don’t settle. You got this. <3

  4. Mar- ur rocking red today..I love it…me too and so was my colleague that I had to meet- something about Paso Doble, passion for what you’re saying and rising up against meatballs and Narcissus of the world that just all comes together….got to be a theme today! Well done!

    • The only thing I could say I’ve noticed is that it was a lot easier to get together with someone when I was 18 than it is these days (38) People seem to play these silly games like “treat em mean, keep em keen” and all that rubbish. I understand people get burned and put up defenses and all, especially if it happens a few times but that sort of thing just puts me off . . . I mean, if I say I like you, then I like you . . . Treating me mean aint gonna make me like you more is it?! 🙂

    • Neil So very true. I also wondered if there was an element of that ‘don’t reply to messages for X number of days’ nonsense going on with this scenario. Apparently ‘the game’ does work on a psychological level however I’m not sure how much it aids connection and communication.

    • I’ve heard it works but I’d say it’s effectiveness is relative to how much the receiving person needs that person to “complete them” or make them happy, which is all too often in my experience. I think part of that problem is societies apparent preoccupation with the idea that you HAVE to be with someone to be happy.
      It took me a while but I’ve trained my friends to stop trying to fix me up with someone . . . Bless em 🙂

  5. He’s just checking in keeping you on standby in case his other 3 hypotheticals bail out or fail. Narcissistic and emotionally unavailable possibly likes to feel wanted by having options not by mutually fulfilling exchanges.
    Ask me why I know? My Dad and my Ex.

  6. Natasha Reddy The N word, narcissist had been mentioned by various friends many times (Sonny Olmo) however I found myself wondering if that might be too harsh a description . . . . . . If that were the case of would have most likely been the least satisfying of the options because I never had any inclination to chase or pander.

  7. Nope not harsh at all. I’ve come to the conversation late but I think I know what you’re talking about and the word is NPD… Classic ‘hoovering’ tactics to try to keep you as narcissistic supply if he wants you, by the sounds of it…it’s about 1 in 25 btw so not that common, but imho more so as we get older because they don’t form proper attachments…and go for those they believe are strong to tear them down as a challenge, and because they know we all want to be loved…lol yes it can apply to women, funnily enough I came across one the other day…if you find yourself asking ‘why would anyone want to do that?’ – about anything they’ve done- you’re probably dealing with one…

    • Yes it generally goes with lovebombing in the first instance to get you hooked, as you mentioned…and then they suck all your emotional energy out of you (their narcissistic supply) you can’t believe that anyone would do that or change like that so suddenly, you think it’s you thats done something wrong, and yes, you feel gutted…the longer the relationship has gone on the worse the drop when you get ‘devalued’ and then ‘discarded’ as if you were a piece of rubbish – sometimes you are ‘triangulated’ with another woman, to make you feel even worse (they wave her in front of you as much as possible) …the energy and sucking up your pain thing are just like dementors in Harry Potter…I’m sure that’s who she is talking about…the only way to deal with them is to go no contact…its hard and hurts like hell but eventually they leave you alone…

  8. me too…oh and btw I think you’ll find the answer to your question is something along the lines of, power and control, and ‘fun’ at keeping someone hanging on…no respect for anyone, no guilt, no remorse, no emotion…and yes they appear to act like teenagers (stuck in that age actually!) the only way to deal with them is to go no contact…(block them in every way otherwise they continue to try to do your head in until they get no reaction whatsoever) they just want a reaction, whatever that is. Even negative feedback from you ‘feeds’ their narcissistic supply (its quite sickening actually)…

    • 😀 😀 😀 😀 well done you…however, they just think oh great, how can I wind her up even more next time and feed off your anger…best thing to do to get rid of them is go ‘grey rock’ (i.e. don’t show any emotion and make yourself as boring as possible to them) or better still ‘no contact’ – block from everything so they cant get a reaction even if you feel like giving/sending one…latest from my ex husband (we divorced 20 years ago more or less) is trying to stop our son seeing me on my birthday by asking him to babysit (and paying him lots of money)…I kid you not…all he wants is me to ring him and shout at him…so what do you think I will do?

    • I trust that your son will eventually buy you something lovely with some of that extra money!!! And thankfully I don’t need anger to vent, it’s just another creative outlet. And even with anger my motto is: “Better out than in!” 😊

    • Marilyn – its what they think they’re getting (maybe not what they actually are, but what they think they’re creating for you inside, which they go out of their way to try to find out before doing it…) imagine a truly evil person that has a wry smile on their face whenever something goes badly for you or they think you might be hurting, or annoyed, or even just a little irritated…that’s what you’re dealing with. As they don’t have emotions they need ‘entertainment’ and thats what we empaths are to them…

    • LOL just to warn you they can be REALLY nasty once they realise you’ve sussed them out. Did the mask ever slip? Whatever you do don’t let him near enough to be able to do any damage, because believe me, they will if they can…

    • Marilyn Devonish I had my business threatened by one, I was nearly killed and got badly ripped off by one, I got pregnant/had a miscarriage by one who denied it was his, lost a job through one, got my name blackened by at least 2…and the list does go on…best thing you can do is run, no matter how ‘able’ you feel in dealing with one…the reason? they have no emotion/empathy/guilt/remorse…try to imagine that for a second…what could you do if you didn’t have that?

    • So, and i am just playing devil’s advocate, you created the situation as you were staying emotionally engaged ?

      I am also fascinated by this having lived through it quite a number of times. If anything, my experience is that woman are only after men who are good looking, wealthy and drive flash cars so if you dont have any of those, they dont even bother responding however, I know this is not the truth BUT if I keep engaging in it, as you know, it will be this.

      I saw that when I emotionally engaged, by even just responding to basic texts and then getting know answer, it led to personal challenges. Kind of like syncronicity, not just only for the good things.

      Keep asking the questions, you’ll keep getting the situations so you can find the solutions is what I live by and yeah, as always, I love watching your videos as they are so entertaining and informative so thanks for sharing yet another.

    • He didn’t have a car and as far as I know he wasn’t wealthy . . . . I still replied because I’m polite like that, If someone messages and asks me a question I’ll answer. Call me old fashioned.

      I believe that what you resist persists so there are times where it is jolly good fun to play along and see where something takes you. This was one of those times!

      There was no big emotional angst or engagement after I saw the pattern. It was all just interesting observation and a good dose of curiosity about what drives people to do such things. People, both their joyful and not so joyful sides fascinate me and I am happy to live in a world of contrast when there is something that I need to pay attention to . . . . . 🙂

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