If You’re at a Career Crossroad or Have Unanswered Questions About Life Read This

How to Answer Life’s Unanswered Big Questions

We went from feeling stuck and having no clear about what to do, to those big unanswered life questions being answered and a feeling of their mind being blown.

"If you have got unanswered questions about life try this!"
The Power of 4: “If you have got unanswered questions about life try this!”

I ran another of my new Power of 4 Breakthrough Coaching Sessions yesterday. It was with a client who said they were: “At a tipping point” because they knew they weren’t utilising their gifts or skill and it felt like a choice between utilitising and actualising their gifts vs. being the most 9-5 person on the plant:

“It’s a choice between being an ordinary life or being extraordinary.”

It’s not an uncommon statement, what tend to hold people back is fear and limiting beliefs as well not even know what their gifts are.

I asked a question very early on in the 3.5 hour Session. It was a question I’ve never asked anyone in my 18 years of Coaching however these Sessions and much of my work in general is more channelled now than traditional or scripted so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that just the right words come through for each client.

Their answer to that question was nothing short of astounding and it unleashed a downloading of gifts and skills and talents the likes of which I rarely see; so much so, we are going to do a Webinar interview because it is beyond astounding so keep an eye on my eNewsletter for further details about that.

They said at the end of our first Session of their experience so far:

“It’s life changing because the awareness from the beginning of our Session to now is exponential so the potential of anyone taking these Sessions is limitless. If you’re not sure (about this or your direction in life) you’ve got to test this out. This will help you answer those unanswered questions. It is mind blowing.”

Career Change

If you are looking at career change, new life direction, or clarity on your life purpose, Soul Plan or where you’re at on your Archetypal Journey below is a starter for 10!

  1. Ask clarifying questions about who you are and what you truly want. As with the case of my clients, the answers might truly surprise you.
  2. If what you want isn’t what you are currently doing look at the reasons why. Is it fear of change? Risk aversion? Fear of the unknown, or simply having no idea where to begin?
  3. Identify how you can get more out of your current situation. We finished the Session yesterday with my client feeling excited about the transformational possibilities for their current 9-5 job and seeing ways they can bring their ‘left field’ passion into to their work which is a win-win for everyone involved.  You may as well enjoy whatever you are doing while you’re still there!
  4. It’s a cliche but think outside the box. Brainstorm ideas with someone about how you can make your dreams or goals a reality. My client now has a clear plan of action in terms of how to move forward and a life plan mapped out.  There was also some incredible Star Trek time and space distortion during the guided Future Life Progression Session, which will speed things up exponentially.
  5. If you have a copy of your Soul Plan go back and look at the specific limiting beliefs of both your Challenge aspect plus those associated with the Worldly and Spiritual Goal and Talents.  For my client there was also a big one hidden away the Soul Destiny aspect.
  6. Look at what you already ‘know’ but aren’t yet doing.  There are always those Aha and Light Bulb Moments when we get to the Angel Tarot Reading section of the Power of 4 Programme.  As one of my previous Tarot clients put it: “It isn’t the case of the card ‘telling your fortune’ it’s all about them reflecting our current situation back at you so you can clearly see what areas need to be worked on.”     There was also a really interesting article from the BBC recently talking about the resurgence of using Tarot in business and the boardroom.  You can read it here: http://rplg.co/bbcbusinesstarot
  7. Clear out the old beliefs and stagnated energy.  Once you have identified what is keeping you stuck and hold you back clear out any old limiting beliefs, negative emotions, and stuck energy.  When you have done this it can feel as though a weight has been lifted and you see the world with fresh eyes.
The Power of 4 Program really is exponential!
The Power of 4 Program really is exponential!

The Power of 4 Coaching Program

A blend of Soul Plan Reading, Future Life Progression, Angel Tarot, and Huna, the Power of 4 Program is designed to bring together these and other amazing modalities to give you both a sense of clarity about where you are now and the future, plus provide dynamic TranceFormation in the process.

Inspired by the results of one of my Breakthrough Coaching clients who had booked individual Sessions for each of these last year and her astounding results I decided to bring them together as a package in addition to the ad hoc Sessions.  You will find further information and more about her story at: https://powerof4combo.eventbrite.com

Marilyn Devonish

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