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If you are reading this within the first 24-hours you can purchase the Huna Prosperity Ritual MP3 download for just 9.99 while I test out a new sales platform.

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Feedback About the Process

"Mindblowing. Just took some time out for myself (which everyone who knows me, knows just doesn't happen!! lol) and did both. Best two hours I've gifted myself. Don't hesitate, you and your life and your soul deserve to hear these. Thank you SO much Marilyn Devonish"

I ran this Huna Prosperity Ritual alongside my Moon Meditation and Chakra Energy Clearing Teleseminar.

The Huna Prosperity Ritual is a Process I learnt whilst out in Hawaii studying Huna. You can do it at any time; it is also further powered by the energy of the moon.

I've had some wonderful feedback so far, a small selection of which is below:

"Thank you for another amazing call. I haven't the words for how amazing you are and how grateful I am for your wisdom and magic. Awesome and excited to see what unfolds smile emoticon all I know right now is I'm super hungry! Thank you again x"

"It was a fabulous call! Thanks so much Marilyn!"

"Wonderful call, had some amazing energy shifts as a result, looking forward to seeing what tomorrow brings! Thank you x"

"Fabulous, thank you! Perfectly timed and relevant call !"

"Beyond amazing! The shapes and colours when you were doing the Huna breathing were so wonderful. Thank you."

"That was really deep and worth it Marilyn."

"Many thanks Marilyn that was wonderful 🙂 Totally spot on re cards!" “Amazing call…..I'm sure you were only speaking to me lol….oh were there other people on it?? Haha. So spot on. Thanks tons x”

"simply… THANK YOU" 🙂

The Clock is Ticking . . . . . . .

Does the Past Recording Still Work?

I’ve had a few people asking whether they can get the same or similar benefits if they are catching up with the call recording. Below is a message that I received from someone who couldn’t make the live calls:

"As you know I missed the live teleseminar, I am sure that I was meant to! After a sleepless night due to gale force winds, this morning was a real doozy for me smile emoticon After returning home feeling exhausted on all levels I put my feet up and listened to the replay, It was very, very apt in all sections, your explanation of the Access clearing statement was clearer than even when I've listened to Dain Heer. As i came to the end of listening, the very person I had had issues with, it was mutual, who also I love very dearly, rang up. Thank goodness, and your magic we are fine now. 10 seconds, if that and peace was restored. Real Magic, thank you x"

Does Huna Work Remotely and with Groups?

"Yes." Below is a tiny snippet of the feedback I had when I took the TCCHE (The Conference for Consciousness and Human Evolution) group of 500 people through a 5 minute Huna Process.

Marilyn Devonish on stage at TCCHE with Gregg Braden, Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton:

Marilyn Devonish on stage at TCCHE with Gregg Braden, Dr Joe Dispenza and Dr Bruce Lipton

"Thank you so much for everything, the Huna, and how beautifully you held the energy of the room and managed everything."

"I attended the four day TCCHE event a couple of weeks ago and although I found the speakers fascinating, your Huna work had the most profound effect on me."

"I did speak to you at the event (in the Ladies (toiliet)!) and explained how I felt the energy around me and a sense of calm but since that time I am quite amazed at what has happened."

Feedback from Marilyn's Huna Workshop:

Huna Workshop Feedback
Feedback About the Huna Workshop with Marilyn Devonish

Next Steps

To learn more about Huna and attend an in-person Workshop or get instant access to the Online 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop use the links below.

Huna Video Webinar Training
The 1-Day On-Demand Huna Video Webinar Workshop

For further information about the next Huna Workshop go to:

To register your interest for the next live in-person Workshop go to:

For instant access to the On-Demand 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop go to:

To book a one-to-one Skype or telephone Session go to:

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