1. I started ballet because I had broken my ankle and the physio therapist said that he couldn’t do anything for me. The thing I could come up with that would give me flexibility, strength and balance in my ankle was pointe work. I never looked back. Only started a couple of years ago. Same age as you.

  2. Yep. I have a plastic wobble board. I also stood on a ball. Football size and big medicine ball. Having said that, with the pointe work I am still wary of the one ankle. But I can do it. Now I have to work on the elegant bit. Great scope for improvement there. 🙂

  3. I liked what you said when you realised that this might be your only reincarnation in this form. Accordingly, it is very important to ‘live’ whilst you are alive NOW rather than waiting for that gratification at some other time in the future. I read recently in relation to the question ‘is there life after death?’…. answer = the better question would have been, is there life whilst alive. The principle being that ‘live life now, we don’t know what the ‘after’ brings.

  4. Oh now that is weird, I just watched the Wham! video where I was too scared to go to the video filming and George Michael’s tee shirt says: ‘CHOOSE LIFE’ on the back . . . . Exactly what I was talking about here.

  5. I was just listening to Freedom yesterday and I’m gobsmacked…simply gobsmacked…ugggg- enough already with all these passings : ((( I feel now triple and quadrupled blessed that i got to see him in concert a few yrs ago and he killed it he was sooo good!!!!!!!! oh man…friggin unreal bummer…heaven’s got another band memver but like i said, enough!!!!!!!!!

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