Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About PhotoReading!

Upon the request of my clients and Facebook contacts I did a Series of Facebook Live videos about PhotoReading where I addressed 5 key areas:

  1. Why PhotoRead and what are the benefits?
  2. What is PhotoReading?
  3. How do you PhotoRead?
  4. What can you expect to gain as a result of PhotoReading?
  5. The PhotoReading Q&A  which consisted of answering 12 questions that I had received via social media.


The links to all of the Facebook Live videos are below, plus links to the main Blogs that I referred to regarding reversing brain damage, learning PhotoReading with dyslexia, and the impact on autism:


PhotoReading Part 1 of 5: Why PhotoRead? What are the benefits: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10155243897741007/


PhotoReading Part 2 of 5: How to PhotoRead: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10155247314896007/


PhotoReading Part 3 of 5: What can you expect as a result of PhotoReading?: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10155250966891007/


PhotoReading Part 4 of 5: What is PhotoReading?: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10155263055911007/ 


PhotoReading Part 5 of 5: The PhotoReading Q&A: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10155284530106007/




Rewiring Your Brain After Brain Damage: https://marilyndevonish.com/from-an-irreversible-brain-injury-7-years-ago-to-my-brain-is-rewired-after-just-2-5-days-photoreading-with-marilyn-devonish/


How PhotoReading Sharpens Your Intuition & Reading a Book Without Seeing It! https://marilyndevonish.com/can-read-book-without-even-seeing-mystery-page-84/


Early Onset Alzheimer’s & the Life Changing Gift that Keeps On Giving: https://marilyndevonish.com/this-gift-absolutely-changed-my-life-is-still-doing-so-13-years-later/


From Repeated Exam Failure to Top of the UK Success & Dyslexia Tips: https://marilyndevonish.com/3-failures-exam-success-good-students-go-mush-exams/
What Happens when PhotoReading Meets Autism: https://marilyndevonish.com/autism-rocks-what-happens-when-autism-meets-photoreading-its-extraordinary/


If you know anyone who would benefit from these topics do feel free to share.


For further information about PhotoReading go to: http://www.tranceformationstm.com/photoreading/


For Online Video DVD Training & International Skype Coaching go to: http://www.tranceformationstm.com/photoreadinglivedvd/


Marilyn Devonish <3



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