Category Future Life Progression

Testimonials – An A-Z of Life Changing TranceFormations

Testimonials - An A-Z of  Life Changing TranceFormations
"Cheques in the mail." This is a snapshot of client testimonials over the past 19 years. It has to be a snapshot because the Word Documents containing the information run to over 3000 pages and counting. I have also included photos of client feedback forms so you can see the information in people's own handwriting because the feedback from my Breakthrough Coaching clients and Workshop attendees is always so amazing and fantastic that I've had people accuse me of sitting here and writing the testimonials myself; and I haven't gotten angry about that because in a world of fake news and where anyone can slap up a good looking website in 5-minutes, I get it.

You Get What You Wish For – You Just Have to Notice

You Get What You Wish For - You Just Have to Notice
You get what you wish for. You just have to stop and notice. Earlier this month I was sat staring at a series of screens, each showing a different time zone; "So it's 8pm in the UK, that makes it 5am in Australia, and midday in Canada . . . . . " I went to sigh then realised the brilliance and #synchronicity of it all because this is part 1 of my #intention for this year fulfilled.

Top Picks for Achieving Your New Year Resolutions

Top Picks for Achieving Your New Year Resolutions
I've been asked where to begin on a journey of change, transformation, letting go, or starting again so I have compiled my top picks in terms of what has most helped both me and my clients over the past 18 years, with a brief explanation of why and when you might choose each one.New Year is the time where much of the world is focused on New Year Resolutions, setting goals, letting go of the old, ringing in the new, and making decisions about new boundaries or directions. It is also something you can do at any time of the year.

What Can You Expect from these Life Changing Modalities?

FLP? EFT? NLP? Huna? P4? What is it and where do you start? It would be a 10 page essay to try and include everything however below is a snapshot of what to expect from some of the Cyber Monday offers and money saving deals together with client testimonials. This overview includes the Power of 4 Program, the Q4 (Quarter 4) Coaching Package, the new Online PhotoReading Video Webinar Training, Angel Tarot Card Readings, Soul Plan Readings, Online Membership Group, and the Future Life Progression Sessions.