1. Oh My head Mar-
    So I’m just seeing this…I know the WOM and intention I chose are very different from this reading, some things you said are echoing in my head…you mentioned the water overflowing and something needing balance? Perhaps the following is symbolic but you remember that leak this weekend I’m dealing with? And today I pulled a card earlier while having morning coffee and it was 14- Balance Archangel Zadkiel…
    smelling salt- pass them now please!
    Not sure if you see this on your playback but you have this beam of light streaking across from one edge of the video frame connecting directly to you…
    Amazing Mar- taking it all in and incubating!!! Thank you thank you thank you!

  2. this was very interesting and informative M… thank you. the dream thing has been a question of mine of late.. I have been having very vivid, odd and abstract dreams… involving people that have been in life, and family members, come still here, others who have passed on … and oddly some of the characters are interchangeable to a point… hmmmm…. not sure what that means.

  3. Thanks Marilyn Devonish. Have gone back to regular work and after a month have realised old bad habits have arisen and are playing out. This is a very timely reminder, that I am a very different person now, and need to apply what I know to me in this situation.

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