1. It’s true, in the 1950’s and 60’s mass migration from the Carribean was invited to help fill in labour jobs and it is now widely considered that they made a major contribution to the UK’s economy. It’s well documented in the history books.

  2. Deirdra Barr Thankfully I think it is the minority, however it only takes one person to pee in the bath to spoil it for others. I’ll have to go back and listen to the video at some point regarding the context however ‘you’ is most likely the person abusing acquaintance in the car park.

  3. well said M! unfortunately a state of misguided prejudice exists also here in the US and around the world …. and I agree that it is largely due to a lack of the knowledge of factual history. unfortunately, history and other is taught in many institutions based on bias and agendas… additional bias is individually generated from fear and personal prejudice passed from generation to generation… the second being again largely due to a lack of real knowledge of other cultures. I see this position taken in every ethnic group. it may not change the current environment… but I believe that for future generations, changing the dynamics of societies greatly depends on history being taught factually, in its entirety in institutions of learning… in addition to the standards of morality 101.. specific to the value of life and the core, significant things we all share in common. understanding the economic, spiritual and personal benefits of living as united societies with inclusion and equality …. begins with the children. #Ihaveadream

  4. Personally I think the best way to tackle all forms of bigotry is to ignore the haters (so that you don’t end up sucked down into the realms of their lower thinking,) by flagging up the positives of how Britain succeeds as a multicultural country. This way you send a helpful message to anyone who has been the target of racism and you let those guilty of it know that they are ineffective. Remember, when you pick a fight with them, it’s like rolling around in the mud with pigs. Only problem is the pigs like it. Stay above them and don’t put yourself out there as a target. There are too many fruitcakes out there.

    • Nina Wornham In the spirit of speaking about those things that you wish to attract I would appreciate it if you didn’t start creating the dynamic of me being a target. Fruitcakes have been out there since time gone by and thus far I only know wonderful people so I would like to keep it that way both physically and energetically.

  5. Oh Kathleen Hall I am LOVING that #!!!! And yes, social ignorance for want of a better term has a lot to answer for. Despite all this, I do believe that we will get there, perhap albeit a little slower than I might have liked.

  6. Peter Mock That description did make me giggle. I believe that both sides of the campaign were so confusing that many didn’t know what they were voting for, and unfortunately the downside has been that it has accidentally given permission to legitimise the actions of some small sections of society who have always been there.

  7. Racism has been going on now for years. Britain to me is one of the most diverse, tolerant country I know, and many who voted out are of different nationalities and ethnic origins. I think people are concerned that without controlling borders we are putting more pressure on Uk. The NHS is in brink of collapse, medical, schooling etc. Controlled immigration is fine ! You make very valid points, but j don’t believe this is about racism. It’s about governance and order. If we continue as a free movement then we need to think abt investing in education, medical and look at benefits, how to control our borders and what to do wth people who come for the wrong reasons eg terrorism! But yes people using brexist as an excuse! I think if anything we now need to quash these ideas and move forward as a unified nation! We are Great Britain after all! However with Teresa May at the helm – iam seriously worried !

  8. Well said and the situation is very complex. Now we have (some) types of people coming in and treating us like 5th class citizens because they are from Europe …. and we need to address this equally .. at the risk of being politically incorrect. My parents and grand parents came here to make a living. They were promised and received nothing they could not work for.

  9. Gratitude is a wonderful thing and we should be grateful to everyone who makes Britain great. People over hundreds of years have had influence on the country and as the world has become a smaller place the “people” have come from further and further away- originally – before being integrated into the community and creating families who belong and come from England. I remember my father reacting out of fear that his opportunities were threatened by an influx of people he did not understand. Even though colour played a part in what he said that was really only a way of distinguishing the latest influx of people he was afraid were threatening his livelihood. In reality everyone has something to offer and by coming together to be a United community we get stronger. 2000 years ago it was the Romans (who may have brought soldiers who did not have the same skin colour as some legions were from Northern Africa). In 1066 it was the Norman conquest and those people are now indistinguishable from the original tribes who lived in England. The world is a very small place.

    • Exactly Liz, I don’t think anyone in uk doesn’t have either Anglo Saxon or some mixed blood, no one is pure devoid of some ethnic mix. What we fear at first, becomes blended in and we adjust to it, that’s why I say this is just hyped up nonsense by Labour, mayor of London and people who want to pin brexist on racism! Most actually don’t understand or misunderstanding, going wth what media is showing them! And by discussions and views we are are acknowledging it. Our problem is now who is going to lead GB, unite and make it stronger. Really understand the issues of the public so that after we have sorted out our own pains we can increase immigration and not have to control so much ! Right now it’s getting out of control !

    • Liz Ainsworth Yes indeed. History in all of its facets has definitely been a very COLOURFUL journey to say the least. Being grateful for what everyone brings to the party is a wonderful ideal, even if what they bring is what I call ‘ruffled enlightenment!’ 🙂

  10. I know, it’s horrible and makes me so sad and ashamed. I always have had the feeling that dumb ignorance hatred and fear still existed but this whole Brexit con has tapped into something really rotten in our society

    • Yes, me too. I have of course always known that section of society existed. I just didn’t realise the extent of such feeling and that we could be so easily propelled back towards the 1950’s. I really did believe that we as a society and nation were beyond the rawness of that.

  11. Chris – pre brexist there was racism, there is racism from Europeans on uk citizens,I don’t even want to know proportion! What I would like to see is people stop emphasising it and distracting away from it! Otherwise there will be discussions like these and more emphasis on it! We all need more than ever to be united!

  12. We are the world, we are the children- let’s make a better place to live in! Those if you old enough- remember this ? Profound meaning ! – Maryln- you make v good points though !

  13. Yes, yes, yes!!! My Father came first and worked to set up home. It was 5 years before my Mother came. She was an Auxiliary – did EVERY duty put to her – Nurse at the Birmingham Accident Hospital It was an invitation to work and they worked all their lives without claiming a penny from welfare.

    If people want someone to blame for the mess this country’s in, blame the Government for handing out so many benefits which makes it less likely that people will go and find a job!

    Now that people think less Eastern Europeans are going to be let into this messed up country, I’ll expect to see the Job Centres ORDERING the benefit scroungers to get up off their lazy arses, relocate, and start working on all the land that provides food for this country and abroad! OH WAIT; don’t tell me, that job’s beneath you, you’re educated to do better aren’t you. SO WHO THE BLOODY HELL’S GOING TO DO IT THEN??! ‘OH, we know, we’ll invite people to come over to our country and do the work that no one wants to do………!!’

    Oh wait, have I just repeated myself???

    So, who voted out then???! 🤔😉😉

  14. Marilyn Devonish. I’m SOOOOO mad right now.
    Your parents and mine did the same thing. They DID put the Great into this country.
    But mark my words; another confrontation like the one you described in this post will result in bloodshed because ignorance has prevailed!!!! 😤😤😤

  15. Gill Webb This country has come through far more challenging times so I trust that the voice of the relatively few will not prevail. I think those that really work here and rely upon a stable economic climate will soon wake up when they start feeling it.

  16. Marilyn…..with the mentality of the kind of people that you spoke about in your video?!
    As long as there are people with that mindset walking our streets; people WILL die before it is realised what is happening.
    …..with the mentality of the kind of people that you spoke about in your video?!
    As long as there are people with that mindset walking our streets; people WILL die before it is realised what is happening.

  17. I lived in Eltham headquarters of BNP for a while. I saw some horrible stuff that made me the person I am. All British people are immigrants at some point. Most of Victorian England was built by Irish and the fascism them was akin to apartheid. We have a history of racism and its purely down to ignorance. Community self imposed segregation doesn’t help. We need to have a good party I think. Well said and keep saying it. Big love x

    • Thank you Andrew Bowes. And yes, many have roots and heritage that lead somewhere else. Someone on this thread mentioned the DNA tests that are now being done to show that the majority of people are in fact global citizens with DNA which spans the world. The video that I watched was fascinating. Party on I say! 🙂

  18. That’s a very enlightening speech thank you as a Barbadian myself who left my and was recruited by the British army I suffered a bellyful of racist bullying in the army and outside well done you put your story over with clarity to help educate those ignorant racist. I worked in the post office some years ago and would you believe it they were a national front organisation in my office although the working population in the office were60/40 black and white.

  19. Well said!! The same thing is happening here in the USA. We are not independent of each other. These nations must realized that these countries are where there at today because others leave their homelands and came and do the jobs that those who were born in these countries would not do. We need each and everyone. United we stand but divided we will fall.

  20. we are all immigrants in our ancestory. Or we came from african origin or perhaps alien origin or any other origin we do not know about. I only know one thing: we share mother earth that welcomes us every day to live on her soil. And she definitely would love to have a peaceful humanity living in her skin.

  21. Do not get me started on matters of racism in Britain. This what I will say when a far right individual says vote for my idea vote the other way. This was not about trade agreements this was about the British empire and and racism. This is just the beginning folks so many of you 17m in fact were fooled.

  22. If we “sent all those home”, the NHS would come to a stop. Hospitality would crumble as too would so many organisations. I love what you are requesting Marilyn Devonish and look forward to hearing that person/s step forward.

  23. Jules Wyman I had that exact some conversation this weekend where I put forward the idea of what would happen if all the so-called immigrants who allegedly contributed nothing were to all take a week off. Together. All at the same time. Many many many vital services and those we find convenient would indeed come grinding to a hault. My #ThugOfPositiveInfluence hasn’t watched this video yet and picked up the mantle. I will however keep you posted! 😀

  24. This is such a powerful and big conversation. So much to be said. If there is anything that you think that I can help with then please do give me a shout Marilyn xxx

  25. I was having a discussion with a woman with brown skin who voted leave. Now let me be clear for me this was a referendum on racism. Of course she disagreed with me and pointed out that I do not know 17m ppl. I was too tired and angery to explain that I wasn’t talking about individual bias and the great racist uneducated. This was about a system that is racist uneven and unequal. Many of those who talk about taking our country back and they remember the war of which their parents and grandparents took park to fight for freedom. I wonder what they would say about their defendants, overtly or tasetly supporting the rise of the far right in Britain. The laws that protect immigrants in this country based on Europe will now be challenged by a new and thriving far right conservative government. Happy days ahead.

    • I know M and I left fb for 2 weeks just to calm down. This decision to leave is offensive and madness, so many ppl can’t see that the Europe and perhaps the world sees the UK as a racist nation, and to make it worse Britain still wants it cake and eat it too in Europe. Farage has broken the toys and resigned. He has the money to leave the U.K and live anywhere he wants, while low forehead racist will continue to fight and spout immigrants leave we voted for you to leave now go.

  26. Why do we talk as if we are so powerless? Remember who brought the anti-racism laws in? Who marched on the streets, who defied the notices (NO DOGS, NO BLACKS, NO IRISH) and the rejection for office jobs. Time for us to wake up. We might have fallen asleep on our foremothers’/fathers’ efforts.

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