“Absolutely elegant and beautifully written . . . . .” It’s not often you hear those words associated to what could be classed as a ‘Dear John’ or a rejection letter.
So these past few days I’ve had a couple of conversations about what might traditionally be classed as a network marketing opportunity.
I became much more intrigued as I listened to a relative talk about their teenage son who didn’t want to stand about all day in they he considered to be a dead end job, but was happy to be online finding ways to make good money in a short space of time, and doing things which challenged his intellect and entrepreneurial skills.
An hour before that conversation I had been sat with a friend who had been talking about such an opportunity and she was sharing her experience of the £/$000’s she had made since signing up 7 months ago.
That was it. I knew it sounded perfect for my budding entrepreneur however I would never sign him up for something that I hadn’t investigated myself, so I decided to sign up.
But as 3 people had told me about it, the most recent only the day before, who to sign up with?
I know that this one poses a dilemma for many people in the network marketing and MLM game, but for me it has never been a problem or a dilemma because I figured out a little formula over a decade ago which has served me well over those past 10 years.
It is based upon how I would want to be treated in such situations.
My personal formula for handling this situation is outlined in detail below, within the e-mail that I sent to 2 of the 3 people that have also spoken to me about the opportunity:
Hi xxx,
Just a quick note from me regarding Traffic Monsoon.
I have decided to join TM to take a look.
In signing up I have stuck to the message that I always used to convey when people wanted to join my various network marketing teams in the past, which was:
“Yes. That’s great. Go and sign up with the first person that told you about it.”
The only time that wouldn’t apply is if the person that told them about it was a twit that they couldn’t face working with, in which case they would go with the person who might best help them grow.
I have signed up under xxx as she was the first person to tell me about the company.
I did however want to say thank you for sharing some of your journey with me as that was a factor in having me look at it a little more closely.
And of course, if I come across anyone in the future who would like to join and they first heard about it from you I will be applying the same logic to those future conversations.
Marilyn xx
I’ve never had anyone object, feel upset, cause drama, act as though they had been blindsided or stabbed in the back when using this method.
The person that I signed up under said this upon reading it:
“Absolutely elegant and beautifully written.”
I always used to wonder why some others in the field and industry didn’t just do the same, and this morning it came to me; Maybe they’ve not really thought about it, and instead fall into what I call the ‘Primacy and Recency’ effect whereby you forget about the first person that introduced you to the opportunity, and only remember the last person to speak to you.
Within minutes, one of the people that I sent the e-mail to responded with this message:
“Hello Marilyn
That is fantastic news, I am honoured that sharing my journey helped you decide to join, thank you for letting me know – of course you should join with the person that first told you about it, I totally believe in that and it is the right way to go.
If I can help you in any way, please do not hesitate to let me know . . . “
That for me is just fantastic, and the way I want my world and universe to be.
As with all of the Coaching and Therapeutic work that I do, this is just an invitation. If you like the sound of it and you saw it here first, by all means quote me and use it. If you don’t, and you have something else that works far better for you, continue to use that methodology instead.
Peace out.
Marilyn Devonish ♥
PS: I am only just getting started with this Traffic Monsoon opportunity however if the stories my friends have shared with me are correct and that easy I shall be reporting back here very soon, so watch this Blog space!