Earlier this month, I had a scary virtual punch in the gut. I kept my composure during the 80+ times it happened, relentlessly in quick succession, and repeatedly over 3 days. I can no longer however deny it is time for me to take note.
The Easiest Way
Before we get into the details of what got my attention in such a big way, and cemented it is time to take this decision, I’ve got 2 words: Gift Vouchers.

I have provided links to my various products and services and eCoaching Courses, Online Private Coaching, and On-Demand Video Webinar Workshops below, and if you haven’t currently got a specific topic or area in mind, Gift Vouchers are the easiest way to go because you can put them towards all-of-the-above. You can purchase your vouchers here: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish/gift-voucher-150
They would also make a great Christmas and New Year present. For those on my eNewsletter list, use your exclusive 15% off Promo Code if purchasing your Gift Vouchers on or before Sunday 29th November 2020.
The Big Realisation
I was at a fantastic event last week where I networked extensively with other Coaches, Trainers, Therapists and Consultants. I summarise my response to one of my biggest realisations and wake-up calls in my Facebook post below:

“Good lord! #Whoa
I’m in shock.
I’m at an event. Everyone who has similar new courses to stuff I developed years or even decades ago is charging $1997. Many of my courses are £197.
I need to level up.
Next week, this coming month, and before the year end, I will look at all my prices.”
#business #BusinessBreak #WakeUpCall #MoveWithTheTimes
Marilyn Devonish
Flexible Working Implementation Consultant & The NeuroSuccess Coach
I shared this post on Facebook. Another Coach, Joy Thedetoxcoach pointed out what some of us working in this space often do. She said:
“Level up babbbyyyyyy!
Sometimes practitioners who work from the heart want to make sure their programs are affordable for most. However it may make many prospects feel that low cost equals low value.
I heard a lady talk about pricing once that resonated with me. She said, ‘Choose a lifestyle pricing model. That is where you tally up how much the lifestyle you want costs and divide your programs into that.’
Example: The lifestyle you desire costs 20,000/Month and you have 2 programs. A VIP and a group: If you charge 5k for VIP and 1k for group, you’d need 2 VIP and 10 group members each month to make your lifestyle amount.
She considers it value for value that would cause you to enjoy the process instead of resenting it bcs your soul knows when you’re not getting what you’re worth.”
Another conversation with someone else about keeping things affordable “because people will see the value” ensued. One of my responses to that thread is below:
“L: This is true, and listening to the number of people they have on their Workshops, people are clearly NOT seeing the value with what I am offering because I've not got anywhere near the same traction. I appreciate that America is a much bigger market and demographic, however it is definitely time for me to add a few hundred pounds to what I'm doing because I know the information is amazing.
Anyone who wanted it at super affordable prices has had close to 20 years to do so.”
I have mused about my prices before.
Having witnessed the same comparisons close to 100 times over the 3 days, I would be foolish to ignore it and not move with the times, so the price increases are finally coming onstream from next week.
Price Increase Notification

This month I will be updating my eCoaching Program and Workshop prices, so if there’s something you’ve been meaning to do over the past 15+ years, and not yet gotten around to it, now is the time to buy if you’re price sensitive, or like incredible deals.
I have added a series of client testimonials at the end of this Blog. I have also included the “Which Therapy is Right For You” Quiz. You will find the link after the testimonials.
Products and Services
I have been offering Online Coaching, Online Therapy, and Online Course since 2005. Several of my 1-Day Workshops are now also available on-demand via video webinar.

Online Workshops
Links to my various Online Workshops and Programs are below. I have more links to add this week so bookmark this page. Once I have done the price increases, I will also start to transition them under one roof so things are easier to find.
All Video Webinar Workshops, unless otherwise stated, are available immediately on-demand, which means you have access as soon as you have made your purchase and can get access as-soon-as today.
On-Demand 1-Day Video Webinar Workshops, including Fearless Public Speaking, Banish Procrastination, and Practitioner Insider Secrets: https://tranceformationstm.newzenler.com
PhotoReading On-Demand Online Video Webinar Workshop: https://tranceformationstm.newzenler.com/courses/3-day-photoreading-video-webinar-workshop-time-limited
Online Coaching and Therapy Sessions, including Huna Sessions, FLP – Future Life Progression Sessions, The Creative Kick Start Session, and Remote Working Strategy Sessions: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish
Huna Podcast; the price you originally subscribe at remains the same throughout the lifetime of your subscription, so if you’re already in at £7 per month, it will remain the same forever. For sample Sessions and to Subscribe, go to: https://mysoundwise.com/soundcasts/1587243655415s
The Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Live Video Webinar Workshop, Saturday 28th November 2020: https://mbsenergyfest.eventbrite.com/ The final early booking prices ends Sunday 22nd November, midnight PT.
eCoaching Programs
The 28-Day Magic & Gratitude Program: https://themagic.eventbrite.com
Magic & Gratitude 1-Day Video Webinar Workshop: https://www.bigmarker.com/series/1-day-magic-gratitude-video-/series_details
Raising Your Money Vibration 10-Part Video Webinar Program: https://www.bigmarker.com/series/raising-your-money-vibration/series_details
The 28-Day NeuroSuccess Program: https://tranceformationstm.com/neurosuccessbraintraining/
The Intuition Supercharger 1-Day On-Demand Video Webinar Workshop: https://www.bigmarker.com/series/intuition-supercharger-1-day/series_details
The Marilyn Devonish Online Membership Group: https://marilynsmembershipgroup.eventbrite.com
The Money Breakthrough On-Demand Video Webinar Workshop: https://www.bigmarker.com/tranceformations-tm/1-Day-Money-Breakthrough-Workshop-Part-1
Summary A-Z of Services CLICK HERE
Misc Links
As I root out existing underpriced programs and downloads, I will add them here this week should you want to purchase before the price updates.
The 1-Day Breakthrough Session/Breakthrough Session Package. Read more here: https://marilyndevonish.com/breaking-up-the-easy-way-it-only-took-6-hours/
Guided Future Life Progression (FLP) Session: https://www.bigmarker.com/tranceformations-tm/Future-Life-Progression-Ultimate-Best-Future-Guided-Process-Webinar
Gift Vouchers
The Gift Vouchers are perfect if you don’t yet know exactly what you want to do.
Purchase your Gift Voucher at: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish/gift-voucher-150

Gift Vouchers can be applied to one-to-one Coaching and Breakthrough Sessions, Online Workshops, eCoaching Programs, Video Webinar Workshops, and in-person Workshops when they return.
The vouchers don’t expire per se. The longest I’ve had someone come back to me after pre-booking a Session was 10 years, and I did the Session. I don’t however recommend leaving it that long LOL.
The Gift Vouchers are virtual, so there is nothing for you to recieve in the post.
Below are snippets of testimonials from some of the Workshops and Programs. I’ve only chosen one or 2 from each otherwise this Blog would turn into the size of War and Peace because I’ve got a MS Word Testimonial document that runs to over 4000 pages.
Fearless Public Speaking Video Webinar Workshop

PhotoReading Video Webinar Workshop

Online Breakthrough Coaching Testimonials

Online Future Life Progression Guided Sessions

Online Soul Plan Readings

Huna Workshop

Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop

The Magic & Gratitude Program

Raising Your Money Vibration Online Video Webinar Program

Online Membership Group

In the instances where I haven’t shared names, it is because I offer privacy to my clients, and they have the option to share their testimonials and success stories without disclosing their identity.
Which Therapy is Right for You? Online Quiz
I do a lot. If you know you wan to do something and you’re not sure where to start, take my free Online Quiz.

To take the Online Quiz CLICK HERE
Membership Group Members
For those in my Membership Group, your 25% Lifetime Membership discounts, and Monthly and Annual Member discounts remain. You will also be preferential pricing when I launch future programs.
if you have any questions or queries, drop me an email.
Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess Coach TranceFormations TM
p: 1923 337282 p/f: 1923 499274 a: Global
w: www.tranceformationstm.com e: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com s: marilyn.devonish