Prejudice Against Particular People or Nations – I have been reminded just how easily it can slip into your psyche . . . . .
Prejudice Against Particular People or Nations – I have been reminded just how easily it can slip into your psyche . . . . .
Prejudice is an inbuilt self-defense tool WE have in our DNA. A sort of forewarning to avoid a not so pleasant past experience. Wise and sane individuals can discern and adjust their fear or concern to handle a situation correctly. Prejudice held on to stubbornly can lead to unfair discrimination.
Ray Samuel Jr Yes indeed, and I am doing my best here to be wise and sane about it . . . . . . .
You have already done that.
Mar- brilliant , interesting, thought provoking per always- those stupid guys walking down the street – I’d like to kick them off the sidewalk regardless of where they came from- wtf?!
Sonny As I observed them I was a bit like: “Say what? Two big hardback men are going to try and push me to the curb? Forget it baby, we both have equal right of way!”
Damn skippy! with a huge Damn!