#OMG The woman who walked alongside Dr Martin Luther King. The woman for whom
Michelle Obama attended and President Barack Obama spoke at her funeral. One of if not the first to facilitate conversations between groups of black and white women during the height of the civil rights movement. The controversy of using the ‘N’ words and the rules about it. Here’s a sneak #FacebookLive peek . . . .
I just finished a ‘quick’ 2.5 hour chat with the powerhouse of historical knowledge that is Patricia Evelyn Green-Rodgers about the live Teleseminar that is taking place today at 6.30pm UK time/2.30pm USA EST. To book your free ticket to #JoinTheConversation go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/marilyn-devonish-in-conversation-with-patricia-green-tickets-30486329432
Below is the dial in number and Online Webinar link if you wanted to join us live this evening:
Title: Marilyn Devonish In Conversation with Patricia Evelyn Green-Rodgers
Time: Monday, March 12th at 6:30 PM Europe London
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Online Webinar Link: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/105866868
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Secondary Number: (347) 464-3150
Pin Code: 786614#
Marilyn Devonish <3
कितने महान हो आप । हम जैसे लोग आप को सुनते है
Wow fascinating
If I can I will but maybe in the car travelling
How can I write you an email dear this is supper
E-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com
Great thanks dear you having my email right away from us here in Africa I bless you
Love from Africa great woman
Noreen Coppin Me too!!!!!1 It is going to be amazing. Made even better the the interactions with our participants and their questions.
This is the telephone number and Online Webinar link if you wanted to join us live this evening:
Title: Marilyn Devonish In Conversation with Patricia Evelyn Green-Rodgers
Time: Monday, March 12th at 6:30 PM Europe London
Listening method: Phone + Web Simulcast
Online Webinar Link: https://InstantTeleseminar.com/Events/105866868
Phone Number: (425) 440-5010
Secondary Number: (347) 464-3150
Pin Code: 786614#
Trevor Swift Yes, WOW indeed. I was amazed just reading through the background information and notes and Wiki pages last week and now I am doubly WOW’d :-O <3
Such great work, fabulous Marilyn x
Monica Douglas-Clark Oh my gosh yes. I can barely comprehend what these incredible women both went through and achieved.
Thank you Rose Anna 😊 💖
I hate the N word. It breaks my heart to hear it every time. As a fortunate man, married to a beautiful lady who happens to have gloriously dark skin it’s borderline insanity to me that someone would weaponize that beauty with remedial ignorance.
Adam Lovely profile picture! And I like Patricia Evelyn Green-Rodgers ‘rule’ on the use of that word!
I’ll have to see if I can find it 🙂
Thank you Marilyn. What a fabulous morning video to wake up and listen to. Starting Monday morning right! 🙂