"A HUGE Thank You Marilyn for the Power of Three Programme! I have had some massive breakthroughs already in preparation for the coming year and now expect the most massive growth, expansion, learning's, connections in the coming months. My very thought patterns and feelings and experience has shifted! It seems like I am living in a new world! Phenomenal!"
Keith was the first person to go through our Power of 3 Program when we first launched it 10 years ago. To say it has been “life changing” would be an understatement.
The Life Changing P3 Program
A few attendees mentioned we didn’t say anything about the MBS Power of 3 Coaching Program this year, which we’ve offered to those in the room over the years at our annual event.
You’re right. I didn’t. Why?
I know 2020 has been a challenging year financially for many, so the £997 Coaching Program, albeit amazing value for what is included, didn’t feel like the thing to do.
I was however been mulling it over and incubating, and the idea that came to mind this week is a Group Coaching Program.
Because it doesn’t take several weeks and months of our individual time, we can start with a different price point.
What’s Included?
I have outlined what’s included on the sales page below. In a nutshell, it is a 3-Month Online Coaching and Accountability Program. There will be a monthly Coaching Webinar with myself and Gina, plus some shorter interim Zoom calls to touch base and check in.
The ‘in the virtual room’ price for those who would like to book this week is £444.
- Go to: https://tranceformationstm.newzenler.com/courses/mbs-energy-fest-3-month-online-coaching-program
The Monthly Sessions will include a mix of:
- Welcome & Accountability Update
- Live Q&A Facilitated by Marilyn Devonish, The NeuroSuccess Coach, and Clairvoyant Gina Batt
- Group Channelled Reading for the Month Ahead
- Audience Choice Card Readings with Gina Batt
- Huna Energy Clearing with Marilyn Devonish
- Interactive Coaching
- Soul Plan Limiting Beliefs and Self-Help Diagnostics
- Goal and Intention Setting for the Month Ahead
- Member Discounts
The Technical Bits
Monthly Coaching Session Running Time: 60-90 minutes
Format: Live Video Webinar
Interim Touch Base Sessions Running Time: 15-20 minutes
If monthly Group Coaching isn't for you, individual Coaching Sessions are available at £150 per hour.
The Coaching Packages & Payment Plans
There are 2 Packages available. The first is for the Coaching Program. The second is the Coaching Program + The 1-Day MBS Energy Fest Video Webinar Workshop.
I have also set up a payment plan option where you can spread the investment over the 3 months. You can view the packages HERE
MBS Testimonials
Below are a few testimonials from previous attendees. There is also a link to a Blog I wrote a few years ago.
Ammana attended my first Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop in December 2011:

I shared the testimonial above this year. Here’s what Ammana shared in response:

We regularly get attendees saying we are not charging enough, given both the content, and the value delivered. This is something I will be addressing in the New Year.

Attendees have been consistently reporting over the past 10 years that everything they worked on at the previous MBS event came true, so they are back for more of the same!

A common occurance is people often can’t attend the following year because they are off travelling and doing the things they set out to do, as was the case with Ammana, and Noreen above.
100 out of 10 – Off Any Scale
Below are a couple of feedback forms. One scoring the event “11 out of 10”, the other stating: “100/10. Off any scale.”

Client Success Stories
You can read more about the incredible clients stories and MBS results here: https://marilyndevonish.com/just-1-day-can-change-trajectory-entire-life-forever/
Want to Attend the Workshop Only?
If you want to purchase the Workshop separately, and experience what the attendees are talking about above, the 1-Day MBS Energy Fest Workshop can be purchased separately via: https://www.bigmarker.com/tranceformations-tm/MBS-Energy-Fest-1-Day-Video-Webinar-Workshop
Running Time: 10 Hours
Coaching Program Pre-Launch Overview
A video overview of what we have planned is below.
Want to Book Coaching Sessions Only
If you would prefer to book private one-to-one Coaching Sessions, these can be purchased at £150 per hour. Go to: https://bookme.name/marilyndevonish/1-hour-breakthrough-coaching-session
To join us for the MBS 3-Month Online Coaching Program, go to:
It starts in January 2021, however our first Orientation Session will take place this year.