I’m Super #Excited – I’ve just had an article published by Elite Daily!
The articile is entitled: 6 Things You Should Do Every Morning If You Always Wake Up Stressed – This is the link to have a read of the article: http://elitedaily.com/wellness/things-do-morning-wake-up-stressed/1822459/
When you are on the Elite Daily page do feel free to like and share it from there.
Thank you!
Marilyn Devonish
No 2 is something I do always!
Alexa Ramsaroop It was a very timely and lovely surprise given that I started this week off talking about morning routines in the Group! 🙂
Perfect timing / synchronoscity 😘
Alexa Ramsaroop Yes indeed!!! 😊
Congrats Marilyn Devonish!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Melanie Star Scot 🙂 M <3
I’ve followed the link to the actual article but I’m having trouble finding the article on the Elite Daily FB page so I can go like and comment and tell them how fabulous you are! 🙂 I’ve just woken up at 7am here in America and haven’t had my coffee yet. hahaha (Trying not to be stressed) hahahaha Can you please post a link to the Elite Daily FB article? 😉
Melanie Star Scot That’s a good point, I didn’t see it their either when I had a quick scroll yesterday. If/when it appears on the Elite Daily Facebook page I will let you know!!!
Marilyn – Ok! I just noticed at the end of the article, there is a “Facebook plugin” for comments, so when I add a comment there, it will apparently post somewhere on FB. I’ll give it a try! 🙂
Marilyn – I guess we are experimenting. 🙂 Here is a screenshot of what I commented and I clicked the little “post to Facebook” box, so it will be interesting to see where it goes! haha
Thank you Melanie Star Scot you are indeed a STAR!!!!! 😀
Marilyn – You’re most welcome my friend. <3