“I hear you talk about these things but would you ever date someone that isn’t black aka white?” OK, fair question given my #BeingHuman #HumanKindness stance.

“I hear you talk about these things but would you ever date someone that isn’t black aka white?”

OK, fair question given my #BeingHuman #HumanKindness stance.


  1. Thanks for this one, Marilyn. I embrace your viewpoint. We are interconnected regardless of race. I bridge with people who see the connectivity while respecting the differences. Race or color has never been a factor for who I choose to have in my life and never will. #PeaceOut

    • Thank you, Marilyn. Bob’s and my relationship is a perfect example. I almost didn’t meet him when he reached out to me via the dating site I was on. He said he was an introvert. I thought, “That will never work!” Yet he pushed, asking me to meet him. We did so and talked for five hours! We definitely had connectivity. Yet, what’s important is that if it hadn’t been for Bob seeing that connectivity in what I said on my profile, and, as he said, knowing in that moment that I was the one, I would have still been in search of him. Thank goodness for the exactness of the engineer that he is versus the wandering spirit that I am. Thanks to Bob, this wanderer is finally home. 😍

    • Oh Patricia Green I LOVE that story. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I was beaming over here in the UK as I read it. πŸ˜€ Wow. My longest term partner was just the same. I so totally wasn’t really seeing it, yeah, nice guy, but really, (and a smoker to boot), however he literally engineered a few meet ups and wow, that was it! πŸ™‚ <3

  2. I think you are gracious Marilyn personally I don’t think it is anybody’s business. And if the answer is no so what. Do Presidents and Prime minister have to answer and justify which race they choose to date. If Cameron said I like dating white women would there be an uproar. No of course not. If you said you only date black men and someone has a problem with that send them to me I will verbally sort them out.

  3. You know I operate on so many levels. Anybody who is white and chooses to be my friend has to understand that I am not an apologist and that regardless how I navigate the many challenges I face in the world both overtly and institutionally, I have a big heart for humanity. But injustice bring that shit to the table then it is game on.

    As black ppl Africans we are constantly expected to explain defend our choices and decision. I think there are amazing great white ppl Asian ppl etc out out there, I love black woman, it is my preference. And just because I do doesn’t make me less humanitarian or #being human. Being a black person or African is deeper than complexion and these are the foundation of my decision. Being loving and kind and spiritual is not enough to know what it is like to be born in this skin.

    I have to return to Atlanta to free the spirits of African slaves still stranded and most are so because no one knew their name or how they were murdered. They were lost in time. I will have to give them names to set them free.

    Date who you want and if you want to say I love black men because they are sexy and beautiful and mine, have no fear because nobody knows your religion, your education, your nationality, your birthday, your politics before you tell them….but they will know you are black.

  4. Ejay Ikonneh I hear ya, and none of my friends get an easy ride with this conversation regardless of their race. I am happy to serve up several portions of my home truths when they are required.

    I like sharing if I think it will help a few people to open and expand their minds. Like I said on the video, you can ask me anything you like, whether I will answer you is a whole different ballgame if I don’t think it’s any of your damn business. πŸ™‚

    • Indeed M indeed, my life has been threatened so many times in my early years because of my complexion. The worst facing being torn apart by two 15 stone Rottweilers. I do believe were are all human and different because of our skin pigment.

  5. I think cultural, mental, spiritual and attraction is the key- couloir really doesn’t come into it for most! Neither should religion or traditions come into it, although I know they do !

  6. Ross Roy Yes indeed. My Sikh boyfriend was great however the underlying cultural issues were just not going to sit right. Met one guy who could have been a contender but there was just no spiritual connection at all which I knew couldn’t transcend the physical, and mindset, oh boy, yes, that mental connection has so got to be there for me also.

  7. My question is much further into it though : how do you avoid getting bored in a relationship ? How does one stay committed and not get bored? As humans we are prone to both ! I see many happy couples, families, and then I see lots of breakdowns due to cheating, growing apart, looking for excitement and novelty ?

  8. Mental and spiritual are number 1 for me can’t go without the 2 in combination and that then creates the physical connection Marilyn. You just know when your connected and in harmony !

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