From Euphoria to Unbearable Pain – How this Mother Copes

I read these words and wondered how you cope.
From euphoria to pain
From euphoria to pain
“Autism is a spectrum disorder, you soon realise that life as a parent of a child with autism is also a huge spectrum. I have days of euphoria realising that my child has just done something amazing to the other end of the spectrum where life can be unbearable and full of pain.”
I was shocked on a number of levels when I read these words from a mother as I imagined for a moment the pressure of living on such a spectrum.   This week I decided to raise money for an organisation which supports artists with autism in both pursuing and exhibiting their art.  You can find out more about their pioneering work here:
It was so interesting to read her words because they somewhat mirrored and described the mini teeny tiny micro version of that I experienced this week; I did a Facebook live talking about going from joy and euphoria to a crushing sense of disappointment having set up my first ever GoFundMe page to raise money for Artistic_UK.
The joy and euphoria was having the first handful of people donate. The crushing disappointment was having so few people respond to my request for help and watching the campaign stagnate after the initial flurry from friends.
To make a donation go to:
You can also read the rest of this mothers touching and painful and beautiful and inspiring response to my 2 questions on the Go Fund Me page. She talks about dealing with the meltdowns and shares one of the cures for her pain.  To read more CLICK HERE

The Background to this Journey

I have been charting my fundraising journey on my Facebook page and this Blog.  It has been a rollercoaster of emotions to say the least.  One of videos is below.  It also shares a bit about the organisation I am raising the money for.

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated and shared the link.  I have a way to go yet in reaching the target however I remain hopeful and optimistic that those who can spare a few £’s and $’s will.
Marilyn Devonish

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