Free Live Workshops, Angel Readings, Monthly Consultancy Sessions & The Timeline!

Do you want a Bonus Online Portal and Resource Centre?

Hello all,

I put a post up in the Membership Group yesterday asking for feedback on creating an Online Portal and Resource Centre.  You can read and comment on the post here:

Below is a summary of the Facebook message, and I have attached a couple of screenshots so that you have an idea of what it looks like and how it will work.

Membership Group Wisdom Wednesday Back Office
Membership Group Wisdom Wednesday Back Office


#MotivationMonday Question

I spent much of this last week learning a new piece of software I can use to create Modules for the Membership Group.

I’ve now found and uploaded the first 17 for #WisdomWednesday but before I continue, because it will be a very long task to do the same again for the other 6 themes, I wanted to check whether you are actually interested in having an Online Portal and Resource Centre where you can revisit past content rather than having to search via Facebook.

There will be a listing of the past Modules and when you click the link, you’ll be taken to whatever that piece or Coaching Exercise was.

Wisdom Wednesday Modules
Wisdom Wednesday Modules


This is what it should look like when you login.  There will be a complete list, just click on the Module you want to review.

If this is useful to you, please put a comment in the thread together with the email address to use because it will need individual logins.  If it’s not find it useful, please state that too!


Once you have selected your module you can see the write up, a link to the videos, and review the eCoaching Exercises.


Wisdom Wednesday Module 1
Wisdom Wednesday Module 1
Wisdom Wednesday Abundance Module
Wisdom Wednesday Abundance Module


In terms of what is coming up this year in the Membership Group, the key added things over and above the monthly themes are:

  1. Access Abundance 52 Week Bonus Programme – The Exercises will go out (roughly) each week as part of #SharingSaturday so you can search for that #.  Later on in the year I may create an eCoaching version of it that runs like the Magic Programme, Limitless NeuroSuccess™ and Money Breakthrough Programme, etc.  If I do, it will be a paid product however you will have free access to it as Members.  The aim is to create something that provides a regular source of evolution, insight and support throughout the year.  If you are not a Member and wanted to take part in the Free Intro Programme there is a link at the end of this Blog.
  2. Access Abundance Live Teleseminar Clearings – The first of the Live Teleseminars and Online Webinars to support the Access Abundance Programme so that you can bring the written Exercises to life will take place on Saturday 10th March and you can login to the Webinar here:  Full details are on the pinned post in the Facebook Group, and this one is an open group for those who took part in the free Taster Programme.  Thereafter it will be a closed Group.
  3. Members 1-Day WorkshopworkIf it follows the same path as last year it will be this summer, June time, and will be free of charge for Lifetime Members and Annual Members, a nominal fee to cover costs for Monthly Members, and then whatever the price is for non-Members.
  4. Member Discounts – These will run again this year for Angel Tarot Readings, Soul Plan Sessions, Archetypal Profile Sessions, Core Issue Therapy, and one-to-one Coaching.  It is 25% off for Lifetime Members, 20% for Annual Members and 10% for Monthly recurring payment Members.  As most of those products and services are on my main website, you will need to book with me directly as they are listed at full price on the website.
  5. Free eCoaching ProgrammebutThere will be a free eCoaching Programme available each year; One per year for 5 years for Lifetime Members.  You can choose from The Magic & Gratitude Programme.  Limitless NeuroSuccess.  The Money Breakthrough Programme.  Ignite Your Brilliance.  The Science of Getting Rich.  The Synchronicity Supercharger, and whatever else I might come up with in the meantime!
  6. Bonus 2-Hour Breakthrough Coaching Session – For Lifetime Members upon joining the will be a one-to-one Skype or Telephone Session to help set up clarity around goals and whatever might potentially be standing in the way of that.
  7. Priority Live’s – Further down the line as the Group gets larger the Readings and Facebook Live Q&A Sessions will be done in the order of Lifetime Members, Annual Members, Monthly Members because it won’t be feasible to expect people to watch 3 hour Sessions!

The #MotivationMonday #TarotTuesday Facebook Live Readings, #WisdomWednesday #ThinkTankThursday Live Q&A Sessions, #SharingSaturday Event Sessions and #added Sessions will continue to run in addition to the new events and programmes.

The SharingSaturday Teleseminar
The SharingSaturday Teleseminar


I have also set up a couple of other options which I will launch later on this year for Lifetime Membership one-off payments.  The current prices are:

Lifetime Membership – £997 current price for Monthly Members:

Lifetime Membership – £797 current price for  Annual Members:

Lifetime Membership – £1097 current price for non-Members:

You can let me have your thoughts and feedback via email re the Online Portal, or post them here or in the Facebook Group.

If you are not a Member and want to join us go to:

Thanks and regards,

Marilyn Devonish


Main Website:

Magic & Gratitude Free Taster eCoaching Programme:

Access Abundance Free Taster eCoaching Programme:


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