I was invited to take part in the 10 Hit Psychic Challenge for Fate and Fortune Magazine where I do a Reading for one of their readers, who then writes about their experience and rates the 10 things I said.
The way it works is they arrange for me to do a session for one of their magazine readers. They then have to keep score of how successful the reading is.
Well, I picked up a copy of the magazine a few days ago and opened it with trepidation. I say trepidation because when I agreed to do the piece I didn't realise how it all worked and that there would be a rating system.
Anyway, I didn't have to look far to find what turned out to be a 2-page spread; pages 8 and 9.
The verdict? 10/10 hits!!!!!
The person I read for said:
"This was so on the money, it's crazy! It felt as though Marilyn had already met me, she knew so much. She also focused the whole reading on my business, which was exactly what I was hoping for."
Available now in all good retailers. I picked my copy up in WHSmiths.
Magazine: Take a Break Fate & Fortune
Issue: New Year 2023
Price: £2.30

A Sneak Peek
I can't share what's in the magazine because it is still on sale. I can, however, give you little sneak peek of what to look out for next time you're in the newsagents!
I have to say, even though I was there; those who do the monthly Tarot Tuesday Facebook Live Readings with me will know that I don't tend to remember what I've said after I've said it, so it was fascinating to go back and read what I said, and see the sitters reaction to it.

WHSmith in Watford is now sold out because I got the last copy, and I didn't see any copies in Marks and Spencer Watford either, so you might have a challenging time finding one, however if you can lay your hands on a copy, I highly recommend it.
You'll find the double page feature on pages 8 and 9 of the New Year 2023 edition.
A few years ago I did some 12-Card Readings in January then followed up with people throughout the year, which was also jaw-dropping. Hmmmmm . . . . . . . wonder if I've got time to do a few next year . . . . . #myotherbrain has just answered that question, LOL.
I will bring a copy to the MBS Energy Fest Workshop in January for those who are joining us.

Right then, 2023, it's on!
The NeuroSuccess Coach
Contact Information
Email: marilyn@tranceformationstm.com
Tarot Readings: https://www.tranceformationstm.com/tarotreadings/

Tarot Tuesday Membership Group Feedback: https://marilyndevonish.com/the-spot-on-power-of-angel-tarot-is-amazing/