#FacebookLive The #ThursdayThinkTank Q&A with Marilyn Devonish – PART 2!! The first part of this video ended itself rather abruptly, so here is PART 1 if you wanted to see the process for reducing st…

#FacebookLive The #ThursdayThinkTank Q&A with Marilyn Devonish – PART 2!!

The first part of this video ended itself rather abruptly, so here is PART 1 if you wanted to see the process for reducing stress which was the first question that I answered: https://www.facebook.com/marilyn.devonish/videos/10154480074581007/


  1. Mar- I loved this think thank and the variety of questions. I, of course , for obvious reasons, was most vested in the question about how the election here will affect others in the world ( paraphrasing ). LOVED the JK Rollin answer, and of course your explanation. To throw in my 2 cents ( as we say ) I will quote the great poet John Donne’s Poem, “No Man is an island” . No one country- whether rich, developed, powerful or none of the aforementioned- can survive alone. You must have allies unless you plan to be secede from the Universe and float away; you will need goods from other countries unless you plan to omit a whole lot of stuff you can’t grow, develop etc on your own or as sufficiently, you will also want to sell your goods and one of the greatest money makers is selling to others- the list go on- you simply can’t live in a bubble. So depending who is at the helm of a country, that person’s actions will determine the diplomacy and relationships thru out the world be it for protection, humanitarian or financial reasons. What happens in one country sure enough will be a domino effect, whether the domino falls sooner or is one that falls later, but fall it will- that is the continued effect. Just in small terms, we can think how natural disasters in one country or region can then drive the price of products thru out the whole world especially if that country or region was a main exporter of something. Supply and demand and all that- so that’s just one case- imagine all that compounded by one person’s leadership ( or lack there of ). Sorry to ramble but you know how passionate I am about this subject right now and how deeply it is affecting us here. The uncertainty, the hate and divisiveness, the anger this election is causing. We’re gonna need Valium stations on Nov 8th …I don’t think I’ll be able to concentrate all day- most of us won’t.

  2. Thank you Sonny Olmo, it is good to have an American perspective. The domino effect and ripple effect is the perfect explanation, like an old game of ‘Follow the leader.’ And oh yes, supply and demand; it takes me back to old economic study days.

  3. Thanks for another really inspiring live chat. I enjoyed hearing the questions.

    It’s spooky what you said about the bullying I was chatting to a friend about the same thing on Wednesday.

    I was saying when I worked at Scottish Widows it was like that being fed down from the top Leaders and I got bullied and they did nothing. The same pattern is repeating its self at the place where I study.

    They like to send fear into you just like my old work!

    It’s brilliant being off the coffee I can see much more and it’s making thing much clearer.

    Thanks for the live chat it’s made me ponder and have been totally loving them. x💘

  4. They have been phenomenal. I always think it’s just you and me.

    I have love seeing you just about every day.

    You don’t really realise how inspiring and helpful you have been in my life over the past few weeks. Where I could have seriously could have given up.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Miss Magic Marilyn 🔮🦄x

  5. Oh Pamela Gladstone THANK YOU. That is lovely. I shall think of that on the days where I have the ‘stop clogging the airwaves’ thoughts when it comes to doing social media posts. A very timely reminder that in our own way, often just by showing up, we are all most likely helping someone get through something even without knowing it. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Love Marilyn 💖💖💖💖💖

  6. Never think you are clogging the airways as you are always very inspiring. It’s like I’m there in your house every night! lol!

    You are very welcome and it’s always nice to appreciate excellent work. x💖💖💖💖x

  7. Love this think tank. I’m wondering if it’s actually a good thing to take questions in advance, that way you can say what you will be addressing this time and viewers can focus on these rather than hectic question asking going on at the side? I have a feeling people will soon stop being shy and you’ll get so many questions it might be tricky to marshal when you’re relying on technology not to be naughty 😉

    • Lisa Howells Yes and I am thanking my lucky stars that I decided to ask for questions in advance otherwise it would have been a very short broadcast!
      I was testing in advance of the testing for the new Facebook Group and that was my learning and #NoteToSelf number 1. 😀

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