#FacebookLive – Let’s talk relationships and whether you are on the wrong bus . . . . Why do people stay in a relationship that they know isn’t right for them? Marilyn Devonish

#FacebookLive – Let’s talk relationships and whether you are on the wrong bus . . . . Why do people stay in a relationship that they know isn’t right for them?

Marilyn Devonish


  1. A lot of it is fear why people will not leave. From personal experience I am glad I left my previous relationships and appreciate the experience but now being available for the correct partner is more exciting and enthralling.

  2. Thank you Richard James Clark and yes, I agree, definitely exciting to be in that position, particularly when you have had the the experience of learning and growing from all that has gone before. 🙂

  3. Nadeem Afzal Yes, absolutely, and I have definitely both seen and experienced that one myself, and no amount of words and actions were enough to persuade them otherwise. It’s what I call the ‘Black Hole’ syndrome with my clients.

  4. Such a great post. I could listen & talk about that subject for days;) I think faith has to be a major player in leaving a relationship. That leap of faith as you put it. It’s human nature to want to avoid pain but it’s what has helped me grow and mature emotionally…. 🙏😇

  5. M… Can you do a post on masculine & feminine energy? I’ve studied it quite a bit and can see how beneficial it is to understand – especially with regard to relationships. Would love to hear your wisdom on it…💓

  6. Lee Pycroft Yes indeed. Someone once asked if I had lost my ‘one opportunity’ to be happy having ended something that was perfectly fine. I don’t believe so. Even without and before personal development it is like the soul just knows.

  7. Marriage and kids complicates the scenario hugely plus people change and so do their needs. Expectations and prior conditioning also have a lot to do with it. Ultimately it’s about the individual and whether they can fulfil the relationship needs for oneself and vice-versa, not fulfilling it for the partner creates disconnect anyway but primarily it has to be right for oneself. Speaking from experience and 13 years of marriage.

  8. Ps not to be rude but “one opportunity to be happy” is just boll#cks. Soul mate illusion is purely that it’s a game of mathematical probability lots of people in the world with different compatibility facets and anyway dopamine and chemically induced love rush ends after 3-5 years then you have to put in hard graft.

  9. Many people are simply terrified of being alone, then some don’t want to give up the financial benefits or nice home, it can be a deep sense of (misguided) loyalty or duty. Lots of reasons but I honestly feel fear of being alone is one of the deepest that’s why many won’t leave or break up unless there’s someone else in the wings…

    • Gosh that’s a great way of putting it. Love it.

      It’s like the phrase you’ve got to kiss a lot of frogs before you find Prince Charming. 👑

      I think people you meet in relationships you are there to learn lessons from each other good and bad.

      I also think there’s no such thing as “the one”.

      For example my neighbour had a romance when she was younger then the war broke out and her boyfriend went to Canada. She stayed here and married and so he married as well. Then years later by the off chance they bumped into each other again after loosing contact. Then they got married so love comes in all forms. So I don’t think there’s such a thing as “the one” ❤️❤️ xx

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