“Anyone who missed this missed a really magical Workshop.”
Having decided to run an extra Huna Workshop this year I was just compiling some of the feedback from the Workshop last month. I am a Trainer and Practitioner in over 20 different modalities and Huna has always been right up there as one of my favourites because of how quickly and easily it works and the ability to send the energy across the globe within minutes.
What Can You Expect from the Huna Workshop Day?
A summary of some of the Workshop feedback is below:
What has been the biggest impact and benefit for you so far in taking part in this Workshop?
“Immediate physical impact in being able to move my arm properly for the first time in 18 months! WOW!” (Kate Thomas)
“Clearing a long standing issue.”
“Everything. This was a brilliant Workshop. Marilyn was very thorough in her expectations. She provided lots of tools and techniques that are easy to follow and repeat.”
“Connecting with the Huna symbol. Experiencing the Ho’oponopono stage.”
“A realisation that will result in me changing the wording of my mission.”
“Going deeper into the exercises. Personal deep insights. Clearings and energetic work.”
“For it to be all together rather than scattered throughout other teachings. Impact and benefit yet to see, but confident it comes fast.”
What was the most beneficial part of the event for you?
“I enjoyed the exercises using the symbols of Huna and Higher Self – they were mentally very powerful with physical reaction too.”
“Exercises and the individual clearing work.”
“The exercises that could be repeated/practiced at home. The learning from the whole day.”
“I think that the programme was well thought out as the theory supported the discussions and practical sessions.”
“New version of Ho’oponopono.”
“Group discussions. Clearing work. Seeing like minded colleagues.”
“All to be honest. Not a particular thing.”
What if anything would you change about the Workshop and the way it was delivered?
“Nothing – it was fabulous.”
“Can’t think of anything.”
“No. Great.”
“A little bit slower on the slides. Some I missed at the end. I’m sure I got the essence.”
Did the Workshop Meet Your Expectations?
“Beyond expectations! Thank you.“
“The Workshop exceeded my expectations. Marilyn is a wonderful teacher.”
“I did not know what to expect so am very satisfied.”
“Yes. As ever, more content than expected.”
“Yes 10/10”
“Yes and more.”
What 5 Words Would You Use to Describe this Workshop?
“Clearing, inspiring, powerful, positive, unmissable. “
“Useful, interesting, enjoyable, magical, fun.”
“Magical, deep, focused, motivational, energetic.”
“Informative, insightful, reflective, expansive, Timely.”
“Impactful, Energetic, Resourceful, Value, Excellent.”
“Insightful, Energetic, Exciting, Revealing, Practical.”
“Comprehensive (for 1 day), Interesting, Magical, Nice group.”
Would You Recommend the Workshop to Others?
“Yes. Anyone who missed this missed a really magical Workshop.”
“Yes – it is an amazing day to experience Huna magic.”
Comments We Can Use in Future Promotional Literature:
“I’ve attended several of Marilyn’s Workshops, and for me this has been immediately transformative. I can’t recommend it highly enough. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Kate Jones, https://www.angelijewellery.co.uk/
“Marilyn puts a lot of effort into her training and it pays off as her Workshops are always worthwhile. I go away with learnings and useful techniques I can use later.” Linda Campling
“This Workshop provided lots of things you could do to help yourself. It opened up a lot of self reflection, learning, self-understanding and so much more. It was an amazing Workshop. I’m so glad I attended it. I’m positive it will benefit me for the future. There were many aha moments and self-realisations. A truly energetic and magical experiential day.”
“A good practical Workshop that clearly guides you through the Hawaiian practice of Huna. Thank you for giving me more tools and techniques to further develop my spiritual journey.”
“A superb introduction to the wonderful world of Huna.” Garry Jones, www.garryjonescoaching.com
“Marilyn is an amazing experienced facilitator who delves 20/20/20 – all round amazing versatility – it’s always a day of amazing insights and synchronicity.” Winniefred Carneiro, www.wynsworldtherapies.com
“Very good intro into Huna. I have done it all before, yet this is so much more clear.”
Remote Transatlantic Energy Clearing and TranceFormation
It also works incredibly well remotely and in celluloid. Below is the feedback from one of my attendees in Australia (I’m in the London, UK) who missed the live Teleseminar so listened to the mp3 audio recording of my Huna Higher Self Energy Clearing Process instead:
“Hi Marilyn
This was lovely. While you were doing your intro and preamble I was jotting down what I wanted to work on and then just before we started I think I got to the crux of what I really wanted to work on! There’s a bit of a list so hopefully I’ll have time to do it again before it’s no longer available.
Initially my third eye, throat, heart centre and solar plexus all felt compressed, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. After the first round of huna I sensed the image of a triangle of fire.
During and after the second round I felt the pain being drawn out of my body via my heart centre. I slowly began to feel lighter, my heart centre opened more than previously and felt like I was glowing from the inside out, as I’m typing the phrase ‘as if the light of my soul is now able to shine through my heart centre’ comes to mind.
The third round gave me the sense of my heart centre expanding into the Universe and I now have a sense of feeling more open and I believe I have totally cleared the blocks. I feel confident, happy, open, positive and I’m glowing at the joy of it all!!!
Do please let me know if you need anymore info.
So a huge thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
With Love & Gratitude
Pippa xx”
Intuitive Healer
Meditation Guide
AU +61 4245 18884
UK +44 7932 697938
Join Us For the Next Workshop
If you would like to join us for the next Huna Workshop either attending in person or taking part via the Remote Sessions go to: https://hunaintro.eventbrite.com
I very much look forward to working with you!
Marilyn Devonish
The NeuroSuccess™ Coach
Main Website: http://tranceformationstm.com