Celebrity guest Kelle Bryan from R&B group Eternal asked for the cameras to be switched off when I asked my question and her response was another crazy #Synchronicity It actually felt as the universe…

Celebrity guest Kelle Bryan from R&B group Eternal asked for the cameras to be switched off when I asked my question and her response was another crazy #Synchronicity

It actually felt as the universe and the late Maya Angelou were speaking to me. I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing and almost had to pinch myself, as well as grab a tissue.

As I am always saying on my The Synchronicity Files page, you just could not make this stuff up.

Marilyn Devonish <3 http://bitly.com/syncsupercharge


  1. Laura Morrison Yes indeed. I was just stunned. Kelle was probably somewhat confused by my reaction because on the face of it, that’s quite a simple statement, yet having spoken it to myself just a few days ago, I was just like WOW!

  2. Alexa Ramsaroop I know. When I was growing up my mum used to often call me ‘hard ears’ and that I didn’t always listen to her. I think maybe the universe is making sure that I get this message! 😉

  3. Universe is making the point and rubbing it well. I sense that there are greater and more wonderful things about to happen. It’s like phasing you in it! I kept smiling & thinking how mystical lol x

  4. You’ve just described the workings of my world, Marilyn! People ask me if my books are fiction because they flow from #synchronicity to another and so they can’t possibly be real … and yet they are based on real events. Great to know you’re connected spot bang on and thank you for your work. It makes me feel less cookey lol

  5. Smita Joshi Yes, it is my life every single day! I think about something or speak about something or write about something and then voila, it gets presented back by the universe in terms of an answer to the question or as double confirmation of a thought. I so love the interconnectedness of it all. M <3

  6. I have plenty of wow moments where I’m giggling to myself.. I’m sure people get it all the time but they just don’t see it.. I’m now playing with it seeing what I can magic up

  7. Awww!!! Thank you for sharing this in your newsletter!!! It was awesome to read, and listen, and hear about the power of synchronicity!! Fantastic stuff!! Lovely to get those life affirming moments!! Looking forward to noticing what I notice over the next few days… 🙂

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