Category Sexual Abuse
Decade of Sexual Abuse to Thriving – The Power of Self Care
How Do You Handle It When People Laugh At You In Public?
Did Harvey Weinstein Target Weaker Women of Colour?
“The men are terrified. The predators are hiding. You feel this very palpable atmosphere,” Salma Hayek, The Guardian As a sexually abused woman of colour myself I find this latest turn of events and break in the story very interesting…
Teacher Appreciation Week – This Accidental Shaming Shaped Me
Happy Teacher Appreciation Day!!!! At the time of writing this post it is Teacher Appreciation Day Wonderful, and what the heck, I’m gonna give it a week! A teacher who changed my life is: The first answer to this…
What Happens #AfterMeToo?
Healing the Broken Souls The #MeToo Movement was for many a welcome opportunity for long awaited catharsis about a fate that has befallen many, that of sexual abuse. The Me Too stories have arisen again the wake of the storm…
Is the #MeToo Movement and Expression for Women Only?
Is #MeToo an ‘only women allowed’ conversation? I have noticed something interesting as I observed and participated in the ‘Me Too’ social media # campaign. It was reignited by Actress Alyssa Milano in the wake of the Harvey…
Get Off My Page – Enough With the Social Media Trolls
GET OFF MY PAGE For several years now I’ve had 2 people I am connected to on social media who only ever show up to comment if it’s to criticise me or call me stupid or to say that what…
What Is The Calling of Your Soul – The Soul Journeys Interview
I was recently interviewed by Film Maker Ahsan Abbas. He has created a series of films called the Soul Journeys – Ahsan Abbas Interviews Marilyn Devonish, interviewing about who they are, what drives them, and what they are passionate about.…
The Subtle Art of Boardroom Bullying and Manipulation
The issue of bullying and manipulation was on my radar this week. And not the kind of obvious bullying and ganging up that might happen in a school playground as children try to establish themselves and their sense of authority…