Category Remote Working

Join the PhotoReading Facebook Watch Party!

Join the PhotoReading Facebook Watch Party!
Whether you’re a parent trying to do the much talked about “Summer catch up” for the tens of thousands of children across the globe who had to be taken out of school, or you’re an employee, manager, entrepreneur or business owner who wants to get their own head back in the game, join me for this one of a kind and totally unique PhotoReading Facebook Watch Party.

Struggling with Transitioning Out of Lockdown? This Happened After Just 3 Transatlantic Sessons

Struggling with Transitioning Out of Lockdown? This Happened After Just 3 Transatlantic Sessons
Have you been feeling the pressure of lockdown or experienced a sense of overwhelm as you deal with it all and contemplate the "new normal?" Do you also have the pressure of running your own business, or worrying about flexible and remote working and the future of the work and business landscape? Imaging going from overwhelm and feeling powerless, to seeing life as miraculous and thrilling in a matter of hours, regardless of where you're based? If "yes" read on!