Are You Emotionally Starving?
Is this what your soul has been longing for? I’m not a poet by any means however I do know that I have the ability to hear the angst of others and put that into words, often in a jovial…
Is this what your soul has been longing for? I’m not a poet by any means however I do know that I have the ability to hear the angst of others and put that into words, often in a jovial…
Today I am thinking, well, nothing new there I suppose, but today I am thinking about how you can miss someone that you never knew. How you can miss someone that you’d never met. How you can miss someone that…
This is Part 2 of my day with the Dalai Lama. What follows may not be grammatically correct because I have left the words as they were spoken so that you get more of the Dalai Lama’s personality and vibe. I…
‘Life is short. Have an affair.’ In the wake of the Ashley Madison scandal where the e-mail addresses of thousands, and some reports say millions of cheaters have been released into the public domain, a big question is should the…
“He’s an a*$hole” as a friend recently put it as she recounted yet another story and experience of almost dating a guy who did the f*@k and run. I say ‘almost dating’ because she believed by his previous actions that…
I was recently interviewed by Film Maker Ahsan Abbas. He has created a series of films called the Soul Journeys – Ahsan Abbas Interviews Marilyn Devonish, interviewing about who they are, what drives them, and what they are passionate about.…
Have you had a ‘dating drought’ where all of the attention, attraction energy, interest, and even the pool of suitable partners seems to have dried up? Have you been hoping to start dating again yet not sure what might be stopping and…
So what do women want when it comes to relationships? It’s an age old question, and one which I’m sure will continue to play with the minds of future generations, both male and female. Now before we get into it…
“Ladies, are these the 3 little words that you have been longing to hear?” I saw the Blog post below floating around on Facebook and having finally had a read, I have to say I really liked it. It alluded to…
WHAT DO I REALLY DO? This is a question that I have been mulling over of late; What do I REALLY do? I know all of the modalities that I do, NLP, Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy™, Hawaiian Huna and Ho’oponopono,…