During this one-off free 90-minute kick start, a pre-cursor to the new 6-month online MasterMind Accountability & Coaching Program with Marilyn Devonish and Clairvoyant Gina Batt, we will harness the benefits of focussed work time, group brainstorming, and a disciplined framework.

OK. You asked. We answered. Here are the Black Friday Deals. I have also included a few of the deals offered by companies I use.
The First 10. This is a cool opportunity for the first 10 people. If you want to either up your game and next level your skills, or get off the ground and get started, this is for you.

Crazy Idea 💡 Time - Free Prize Draw Last week had a crazy idea and dismissed it. Woke up with it again yesterday morning, and with the added bonus of a way to do it. The idea was to do a giveaway with the new big Bundle worth $2995. I dismissed it because it would be crazy to just give one away . . . . . . . or would it . . . . . Read on to find out how to enter.