Special Online eLearning Offer. I delivered a Lunchtime Session, and an evening Keynote PhotoReading Presentation for the Royal Bank of Scotland in London for their Women in Technology Group. One of the audience members recognised from what I said that she was holding herself back, lacking confidence in voicing her ideas, and therefore not putting herself forward, and avoiding speaking up in meetings. She sent the message below 2 months after completing the PhotoReading Workshop: “Marilyn, I don’t know what you’ve done to me! I’ve moved so far from where I was 2 months ago when I did the course and I got so much more than just PhotoReading. Thank you!”
Ladies and gentlemen, have you ever done this? Given someone and their sweet yet twisted words the benefit of the doubt because you wanted to see the good in them, or couldn’t believe they would do what your doubt was screaming out about? Today we call them Red Flags. At a base level, I call it intuition. That thing deep down in your soul which tells you not to waste your time or risk your heart. Yet something logical pulls to “give them a chance” to prove themselves, or prove your doubts wrong. This is what I've found.
People have been asking for years if I can lower the price of the 3-Day Online PhotoReading Video Webinar Certification Class. Until this week, the answer has been "no." When I launched the online version 3 years ago, I said the price I offered for those on my eNewsletter list would not be repeated, so grab it while you can, because it is already "incredible value" and "underpriced" according to my delegates, and Workshop attendees over the years. This week I had a cool idea about how I could create different price points in the midst of the covid19 lockdown. The countdown is on so act now!
I knew this 20 years ago. I never in a million years imagined the world would come to this. Those who are rushing to vilify cash and act as though it is no longer legal tender, as I witnessed this week, most likely have no idea about the dark underbelly of this situation, and the potential pain and torment, and even loss of life that awaits.
Have you ever fallen into this trap? Oftentimes it is insidious and sneaks up on you and becomes the pattern and the norm. At other times the problem is staring you right in the face and has you in the grip of fear. There are also those awful times where you believe its all you deserve. Whichever it is for you, and whether it shows up in your work, career, relationships, or daily life, it is possible to change it.
Looking for online Coaching, Therapy or Training, or know someone who is? Want someone fully experienced in delivering powerful Sessions and transformation online? Marilyn Devonish has been a Coach and Multi-Disciplinary Therapist for 20 years, and delivering Coaching and Training online for the past 15 years, so all processes have been tried and tested thousands of times to ensure they translate from offline to online.
Whether it’s homeschooling, corporate training, or personal development, this is NOT like a regular Zoom class. I’ve seen parents saying their kids are Zoomed out, are loathe to do any further screen 💻 time during the summer, and employees who feel the same about their team meetings. At the end of my 21-hour online classes attendees are still energised and engaged! They also say it feels as though they were right there in the room; There is a chance to win 6 of these groundbreaking online Workshops as part of the $2995 raffle and prize draw. Read on.
Crazy Idea 💡 Time - Free Prize Draw Last week had a crazy idea and dismissed it. Woke up with it again yesterday morning, and with the added bonus of a way to do it. The idea was to do a giveaway with the new big Bundle worth $2995. I dismissed it because it would be crazy to just give one away . . . . . . . or would it . . . . . Read on to find out how to enter.
I have created my first product bundle this week, with coming out of lockdown, Covid19, homeschooling, and working from home in mind. With the launch package you save over £1000, and effectively get the full 3-Day PhotoReading Workshop for free. Links and full details enclosed.
Anyone got children, or taking professional exams and want to come out of lockdown homeschooling even better and more equipped than you went in? If so. Read on.