During this one-off free 90-minute kick start, a pre-cursor to the new 6-month online MasterMind Accountability & Coaching Program with Marilyn Devonish and Clairvoyant Gina Batt, we will harness the benefits of focussed work time, group brainstorming, and a disciplined framework.

Would you like deeper insight into the year ahead, or a neurological and energetic mindset shift to kick-start the new year? If that appeals, enter the free Prize Draw to win either a Clairvoyant Reading with Gina Batt, or an online Coaching Session with Marilyn Devonish.

Channelled Readings, Energy Clearings, Group Processes, Self-Reflection, Physical Alchemy, Life-Changing Transformation, and this is it. For those who often say they’ll ‘come to the’ next one’, this is it. The final countdown is on, so if you want to join us for one final mind-blowing Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop, book your place now.

“There is nothing like this out there!” I’ve been having a look through the feedback for the Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop. Phenomenal, enlightening, welcoming, moving, life-changing, amazing, refreshing, soul searching, blissful, loving, fun, marvellous, emboldening, fantastic, lovely, inspiring, sad, happy, funny, comforting, powerful, freeing, friendly, energising, transformational, magical. The words inspiring, amazing, enlightening, inspirational came up over and over again.

"This was so on the money, it's crazy! It felt as though Marilyn had already met me, she knew so much. She also focused the whole reading on my business, which was exactly what I was hoping for."
The First 10. This is a cool opportunity for the first 10 people. If you want to either up your game and next level your skills, or get off the ground and get started, this is for you.

I first realised the dangers 21 years ago. In a nutshell, a female client was tracked down by her abusive partner and held at knifepoint. He tracked her down using the cheque and card transactions and ambushed her at the hotel. Back then, she had a few weeks of breathing space because the bank statements arrived every few weeks. Now, every card transaction is instantaneous and gives massive amounts of detail about exactly where you are in terms of geographical location within seconds.

Want to have your own online store at the Virtual Marketplace Event? I'm looking to run an online store day, where vendors and businesses from around the world come together to sell their products and services.

Flash Offer: Claim your free workshop or product. A powerhouse combination. Save up to £747. Buy One Get One Free on the courses and products in my new online store for a limited time. Whether you want to learn how to design workshops, courses, coaching programs, presentations, eCourses, learn tips, strategies for delivering better presentations or resolving fear and anxiety of public speaking, or supercharge your learning and accelerate your brain. Product packages are limited, so grab one while you can. You have lifetime access to the material with this deal.

Who would have thought a simple looking wooden block could do this and so much more? The first picture you can see below is after just 21 days. Also, keep in mind there were no lotions, potions, or pills involved, just the wooden block, and with the Free Starter Program, details of which are also included here as our gift, all you need is a rolled-up towel to get started. You can also do it lying in bed .....