Breaking News: Donald Trump ‘Caves’ on Migrant Children – My first question and observation has to be: “How can the man who created the crisis in the first place now be praised by the press as some so…

Breaking News: Donald Trump ‘Caves’ on Migrant Children – My first question and observation has to be: “How can the man who created the crisis in the first place now be praised by the press as some sort of hero for “urging” the passing of a bill to bring it to an end?”

Marilyn Devonish <3


  1. 1-Trump ordered the family separation of innocent refugees.
    2-Trump and his team blamed it on the Democrats
    3-Trump tried to use the hostage kids as a leverage to get money for his wall from the Democrats
    4-Trump signs a new executive order selling it as “I fixed the problem” but if you carefully read what he signed you’ll see that he transformed the Civil infraction of crossing the border to a criminal misdemeanor.

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