Am I really too old for this? I’d love to hear from those in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Did you carry on or give up and do you regret your decision?
Am I really too old for this? I’d love to hear from those in their 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. Did you carry on or give up and do you regret your decision?
Not sure to what you’re referring but I’m 52, went to the gym for the first time ever yesterday, set the running machine to 9km p.h on an uphill gradient and wee came out.
My mum is 78 and I feel that we are both about level pegging when it comes to getting from A to B.
Just watch telly and get an allotment, luv 😀 xx
Cait that is hilarious!
James, retrospectively maybe, haha, I was literally galloping along weeing. It was a learning curve 😂
I feel CERTAIN that with the NHS disappearing I want to be my optimum self. But I still want to eat pie and drink wine xxx
And do gym and get fit 🙁 xx
Never too old madam Devonish. Never.
And for everything else, there are special pants 😀
James Walker I hope that it remains that way!!!!!!