This is one of my more unusual Blog posts in as much as I didn’t write a word of the main content but I loved it so much that I just had to share it.
I’ve had a situation unfolding recently where my tolerance level for the nonsense has been getting lower by the minute and my urge to spill the beans and spare others the drama has been steadily rising with each ridiculous wasteful action.
“I no longer have patience for certain things, not because I’ve become arrogant, but simply because I reached a point in my life where I do not want to waste more time with what displeases me or hurts me. I have no patience for cynicism, excessive criticism and demands of any nature. I lost the will to please those who do not like me, to love those who do not love me and to smile at those who do not want to smile at me. I no longer spend a single minute on those who lie or want to manipulate. I decided not to coexist anymore with pretense, hypocrisy, dishonesty and cheap praise. I do not tolerate selective erudition nor academic arrogance. I do not adjust either to popular gossiping. I hate conflict and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and that’s why I avoid people with rigid and inflexible personalities. In friendship I dislike the lack of loyalty and betrayal. I do not get along with those who do not know how to give a compliment or a word of encouragement. Exaggerations bore me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And on top of everything I have no patience for anyone who does not deserve my patience.” _ Meryl Streep
An addition to the original post
One of my Facebook contacts posted this message on my thread:
Annie Bygrave Hi Marilyn Devonish, just for our additional enlightenment and to share on FB, I thought I’d look up when she said it and to whom, but find that it was something she ‘lives by’ but didn’t actually say! This quote is actually from Portuguese self-help author and life coach José Micard Teixeira. He has been asking people to put right the misconception that has been spread online that it was by Meryl Streep. Thought I’d let us all know. Brilliant quote however!!