“So much value in the Membership Group Marilyn, so thrilled I joined!!” Kay Westmorland, The Conscious Accountant
Why the Membership Group?
“A member of this group is definitely the place to be. It’s like finding the jewellery in the crown.”
The intention of the Group and Online Resource Centre is to provide you with Coaching 24-7-365 for a fraction of the price of individual Coaching, Therapy Sessions, and Workshops. It is also a place for sharing exclusive information strategies and ideas on a more consistent ongoing basis which you access from anywhere in the world.
“Ever since I first came to your MBS Workshop and joined your magical Membership Group, my life has started transforming in so many ways in such a short space of time. It’s been an amazing few months. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Marilyn”
What is the Membership Group?
The Marilyn Devonish Membership Group is both an interactive Private Facebook Group and Online Webinar Resource Centre for those those who don’t frequent Facebook. A mix of live Sessions, Coaching, motivation, exclusive events, and weekly and monthly updates, it is available for you to join on an ad hoc monthly basis, or as an Annual or Lifetime Member. You can find out more here: https://marilynsmembershipgroup.eventbrite.com
The Benefits in a Nutshell
- Bonus Monthly Free Tarot Card Readings via Facebook Live.
- Bonus Monthly Coaching and Consultancy Sessions via Facebook Live.
- Free Annual 1-Day Workshop*
- Private Facebook Support Group.
- Online Resource Centre containing video, replays mp3 downloads, Coaching. Exercises, articles, and specially curated content.
- Cash savings of up to 25% off my other Breakthrough Coaching Services and Workshops.
- Free 28-Day eCoaching Programs. One per year for the first 5 years.*
- Free Bonus Webinars.
- Free mp3 downloads.
- Access to all back office archives from October 2016 onwards. This means new Members have a wealth of resources to get started with. Existing Members can go back and revisit or retake particular Modules or Sessions.
- Stay ahead of the curve.
Free Tarot Card Readings
Every month I do live Tarot Readings, Oracle Card Reading and Angel Tarot Readings online in the private Membership Group via Facebook live for Tarot Tuesday. You can choose the topic and focus of the Reading or go for a wildcard ‘cold’ Reading where I choose the deck and we see what the cards say. You can read a summary of a few Readings with regards to their relevance, timeliness and accuracy: https://marilyndevonish.com/the-spot-on-power-of-angel-tarot-is-amazing/
Outside of that if you are not in the Membership Group you can purchase a Skype or telephone Reading on my website: http://www.tranceformationstm.com/angeltarotcardreadings/ They start at £70.
Free Bonus Coaching and Consultancy Sessions
Every month I also do a Facebook live Think Tank Thursday Consultancy Session where you can submit a problem, challenge or issue and I’ll provide you with ideas, thoughts and suggestions.
If you’re not a Member and doing the free monthly Bonus Sessions you can book a Session at £150 per hour.
Support and Collaboration
Below is some of the feedback I’ve had from Members which sums up the energy and support within the Facebook Group.
“I am so excited by something I learnt from a great speaker about asking yourself empowering questions. That combined with the magic that Marilyn Devonish brings I feel really grateful to be experiencing all these synchronicities and have met such amazing people. Thanks everyone in this group it is the best most interactive places I have joined! Feeling very grateful x” Naomi Tamayama
“Hold on to your hat & be prepared for the most amazing, magical ride of your life & trust me life will never be the same again in the most fabulous way!!!”
Online Resource Centre
You can either take part in real time or use the Online Website where all of the Sessions are archived for future reference. It means you have access the everything that has been shared and created since the Group was started in October 2016.
I did a video walkthrough of the back office when I started building the site in 2018 as a more organised alternative to the Facebook Group. You can watch the old version below or CLICK HERE for the shorter and more recent version.
The same information is also available in the Private Facebook Group. Search for the respective # or name.
The Information is Always Available
As one of my Members put it when welcoming in a new Member:
“I’m sure once you’ve had a look around, watched some of the FB live videos and listened to the mp3 recordings you’ll want to stay a lot longer. Enjoy.”
Bonus Teleseminars and Webinars
As part of Sharing Saturday I run free Programs, Teleseminars, Webinars, and updates about the amazing things I find on my travels. If you are joining us definitely check out the 3-Minute Healing Miracle, it was life changing for me in eliminating regular neck, shoulder and back pain.
Some of the Sessions are exclusive to the Membership Group, others can also be purchased by non-Members starting from £39. Monthly Membership is £38 so you can either purchase Webinars individually or get access to everything for one price as a Member. I will add them here throughout the year if you are not a Member and would like to purchase the mp3 downloads or video replays: https://marilynsmembershipgroup.eventbrite.com
If you are reading this at the start of 2019 our first #SharingSaturday Bonus Session will be a Guided Future Life Progression Session because FLP is such a brilliant way to bring the energy of the future back into now. I will post further details in the Facebook Group. A taster FLP Results video is below:
Free 1-Day Workshop
I run an annual 1-Day Workshop in Watford which is free of Lifetime Members and nominal fee for Annual and Monthly Members. Non-members can also attend at the usual Workshop rate, the early booking price is in the region of £97 for non-Members. We use the Workshop to allow everyone to connect in person and to bring the monthly # themes to life.
Weekly and Monthly Input
We have a series # Themes that run throughout the month:
- #MotivationMonday
- #TarotTuesday
- #WisdomWednesday
- #ThinkTankThursday
- #FocusFriday
- #SharingSaturday
- #SoulFoodSunday
Member feedback about the Facebook Live Sessions:
” Thank you, I have never been onto the live version; it’s fantastic, you are like a magician in action… oh wow.”
“ha ha, thank you! [Tarot Tuesday ] IT’S THE BEST DAAAYYYYYYYY!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 although Thinktank Thursday is pretty epic, too…”
“Yep. Don’t know what it is with TarotTuesday, I love it.”
The themes are designed to provide you with ongoing support which you can also strategically revisit or intuitively dip into at will whenever you need focus, guidance, motivation, ideas, solutions or inspiration.
Below is an overview of the Modules within the website which are designed to give you easy access to the archived material.
Bringing Ancient Wisdom into the Now
For Wisdom Wednesday we delve back through the ages and I write an essay and coaching piece to bring old wisdom into the present. You could of course do that for yourself. Each written piece takes anything from 3-10 hours to research, curate and collate so you just have figure out what your time is worth the read through and analyse the information every single month.
Consistent Motivation and Food for Thought
We start every month with Motivation Monday and end the month with Focus Friday. One of the things I’ve found with motivation since I became. Coach in 2000 is that motivation requires consistency and discipline. Many have good intentions however it is easy for it to fall by the wayside left to your own devices or life gets in the way.
“Welcome to the vortex a wonderful world of endless magical possibilities & synchronicities aka The Marilyn Devonish Membership Group prepare to be amazed!!!
It’s a bit like going down the rabbit hole wonderful magical synchronicities flow as easily as the air that you breathe”
Soundboard and Safe Space
The Group is also a place to share ideas, ask for support, get input for your projects and ideas and get things off your chest in a private environment.
Special Pricing on Coaching Sessions and Readings
There is 25% 20% and 10% off for Lifetime Annual and Monthly Members respectively for Soul Plan Readings, Angel Tarot Sessions, Archetypal Profile, Future Life Progression, Huna, Access Consciousness, Power of 4, and Breakthrough Sessions. If you are not sure whether something is included, ask.
The same applies to my 28-Day eCoaching Programs unless you are a Lifetime Member, in which case see below.
* The free eCoaching Programs and free attendance at the annual 1-Day Workshop is for Lifetime Members which means they made a one-off payment rather than opting for the monthly or annual subscription.
Free eCoaching Programs
There are free eCoaching Programs, 1 per year for 5 years for all Lifetime Members. This includes:
- 28-Day Magic & Gratitude Program eCoaching Program – You can sign up for the Free 5-Day Taster Course at the end of this Blog.
- 28-Day Synchronicity Supercharger eCoaching Program
- 28-Day Limitless NeuroSuccess eCoaching Program
The Access Abundance Series
Designed to energetically work our way around the Wheel of Life, I am designing a year long Series of Exercises to clear old thoughts beliefs judgements and limitations using a combination of Huna, Coaching, Access Consciousness, and therapeutic techniques.
Phase 1 started in 2018. The next phase get underway in Spring 2019.
Easy Access
All of the materials are available both in the Private Facebook Group and via the Membership Group Website.
Log in to the Membership Group Website at: https://marilyndevonish.kyvio.com/member
Stay Ahead of the Curve
As the Magic & Gratitude Group I launched in 2013 will tell you, we are always ahead of the mainstream curve, and even more so with the Membership Group because we cover all aspects of life. Today an article appeared in the mainstream press. I shared this information with my Membership Group 2 years ago . . . . .
To find out more about Belly Button Healing go to: https://www.bellybuttonhealing.com/affiliate/marilynd/
Join the Membership Group
To join the Membership Group go to: https://marilynsmembershipgroup.eventbrite.com
You can meet some of our Members at: https://marilyndevonish.kyvio.com/membership-sales-page
Take the 5-Day Magic & Gratitude Program
You can sign up for the 5-Day Magic and Gratitude taster Program here: https://mailchi.mp/tranceformationstm.com/the-magic-free-5-day-intro-course
Contact Information
If you have any further questions or queries you can email: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com or use the Contact Form Below.
Main Website: http://www.tranceformationstm.com
Blog: https://marilyndevonish.com