How to enhance your creativity, resourcefulness, inspiration and imagination the Star Trek way. #FacebookLive This is the reversing brain damage Blog that I mentioned:…

How to enhance your creativity, resourcefulness, inspiration and imagination the Star Trek way.


This is the reversing brain damage Blog that I mentioned:

This is where you can read more about the #Intuition piece and ‘Mr Page 23’ and his rather astounding experience and discovery plus how you can have those experience of reading a book without even seeing it:

If you wanted further information about #PhotoReading and want to see what Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield have to say about it you can download the free brochure via my website:

The direct link to the brochure is here:

One of the reasons why I am always talking about PhotoReading is that it has changed my life and the lives of my clients in so many ways.

If you have any further questions or queries you can DM me or email:

Thank you for watching!

Below is the Star Trek post that I shared this morning:

If you wanted further information about what Tony Robbins and Jack Canfield have to say about #PhotoReading you can download the free brochure via my website:

It’s the brochure that I mentioned during my ‘Enhance your Brainpower the Star Trek Way’ #FacebookLive video this morning.

If you missed the live video you can watch the replay here:

Below is the Star Trek post that I shared this morning:

“Incredible. The production of neurotransmitters in your brain has jumped by over 500%. Pre and post synaptic membranes have increased permeability to match it. That isn’t all, the corpus callosum, the connecting bridge between both sides of the brain, it is so active now that the hemispheres are essentially behaving as one. Creativity, resourcefulness, inspiration, imagination, they’ve all been enhanced. Lieutenant you could very well be the most advanced human being who has ever live down.”

This is pretty much how I describe the effects of #PhotoReading in terms of the wonderful outputs and side effects, and my brainpower, creativity, resourcefulness, imagination and intuition most certainly went through the roof after I discovered it. It was a true #TranceFormation from the early onset Alzheimer’s brain that I’d been diagnosed with.
I decided to watch an early morning episode of Star Trek and it was about an officer who received a shock and woke up superhuman.

Interesting. I have long since been a massive fan of teaching that all important left and right brain integration.

#AcceleratedLearning #NeuroSuccess

Marilyn Devonish

Marilyn Devonish <3


  1. Well done, Marilyn, you could speak for England, lol. Yes, I watched it all. Having attended your weekend course, many moons ago, it was a delight to hear your lovely stories. One of the things I remember was how my spatial awareness increased, to see and be alert to so much more of what was all around me (or is that what you call intuition)? But the mind-blowing biggie was when I showed to a class of procurement students how to flick through their tome of a study guide to help them read through it quicker, there were a fair few students rolling their eyes in disbelief that day. Who could blame them I must have sounded like a crazy woman after that weekend, with you, lol. Later that week a student sent me an email asking a really obscure question which made no sense, not only didn’t I know the answer to, I didn’t understand what on earth she was asking. I looked in the index in hope for a clue but nothing there. However, I saw a subject that intrigued me as not noticed it before, and found it on a left-hand page. I gasped as my eyes wandered over to the right-hand page because, there, was the meaning and answer to my student’s question. I had only flicked through the guide as a means of showing the class how it was done, I wasn’t reading it, or so I thought. The subject I was looking for wasn’t listed in the index, but another subject I didn’t recognise led me to the right page. How does that work?

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