1. When you turn a ‘blind eye’ to the perceived small things or the things that make you uncomfortable to discuss, you pave the way for the bigger things to be allowed and accepted as justifiable behaviour! Where does it end?

  2. I was called a racist by a republican who is a women who supports Trump. This video Trump did was a gift so I posted it to her and wanted to know why as a human being or woman would support him.

    • They would have tore My POTUS apart which do everyday for stuff that’s not even anything to do with him. The man burps the wrong way and haters would have that as the most despicable act on earth. Unreal!!!

  3. I think they’re up a gum tree over there really . . . They’ve got to choose between Trump who whilst good at the money stuff acts very inappropriately most of the time (putting it mildly) and then there’s Clinton who allegedly is a bit on the crooked side . . . Doesn’t bode well either way in my opinion . . . For them and the rest of the world.

  4. Marilyn, I think you are right about the good that an come from this issue. I have noticed many things, people, happenings that have come to light that can be seen as catalysts for change. For people standing up, and saying that no this is not OK

  5. Too Right Mar on so many counts but I do think this has perhaps moved a notch for the undetermined women voters. If they needed something to sway them one way or other, I can only hope that this ( which once again had Billy Bush smack in the middle- we just talked about HIM recently ) will be what they needed to say, ok- this is not the person I need leading me, my country, my daughters or even a cat up a tree! And yes, private convos are exactly that and we all do that- however, this lump of DNA was already a very notable celebrity and powerful business man who knew his every move could be taped and as we live in that age and further, he was saying this stuff not in the privacy of his home but out in a show’s bus awaiting public interview which would lend the moment for all kinds of secret taping…could he be that unwise knowing that in the age of technology- even 10 yrs ago when this happened that anything could come back to haunt you- especially when he was married to Ma-what ever her name is! So whether he intended on running even back then for presidency- he was not above the scrutiny of any celebrity to say what he wanted and not think that at some point in his career, this might come out. He’s that narcissistic to think he’s above all.
    and again I will say to any critic, Hillary has made gaffs but in her political career NO one can ever discredit or deny everything she has done in the grass roots movement or otherwise to help families, and especially disenfranchised people in this nation, through many projects etc. The same can not be said about him.

  6. I did not see this until I got a reminder from Facebook telling me about posts that I missed…..Marilyn Devonish on Trump;! Beyond outrageous! How can someone aspiring to take charge of the most powerful office in the world continue to make crass statements one after the other? The sort of low, gutter talk reserved for building sites. And such places are where trash like that may be ignored or swept under the carpet as they say.

    • Ray Samuel Jr This particular incident happened several years ago so the Trump camp are going with the ‘He’s changed since then’ rhetoric, which is entirely feasible, as we mature, so too does our thinking. It doesn’t however bode well for the world political stage in terms of tact and diplomacy which I believe are some of the necessary requirements for the particular job in question.

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