Single Independent Women – Are these the words of love that you’ve been waiting to hear?

“Ladies, are these the 3 little words that you have been longing to hear?”

I saw the Blog post below floating around on Facebook and having finally had a read, I have to say I really liked it.

It alluded to ‘three magical words’ that every woman supposedly wants to hear from a man.  Three words which would allow her to relax and surrender, safe in the knowledge that she is indeed safe.

The space to surrender to love
The space to surrender to love

Before reading it I pondered some of the obvious contenders, however figured that there must be more to it than that.  More to it than the old ‘I love you.’

And then, having read the piece, I had to agree that those 3 words from a man are indeed very powerful.

I won’t spoil it immediately and tell you what those 3 words are just yet, for now, notice what your mind races to as you ponder them.

As I read the post by Bryan Reeves I realised that I’ve often had the situation where I’ve been organising conferences, delegate refreshments, workshops, slide presentations, bills, taxis, various other travel arrangements, designing talks, sorting out my own supermarket food choices, and then just as I want to relax, someone wants me to decide where to eat and where to meet and how to get there.

(We interrupt your regular programming for the first of the EASTER EGG HUNT prizes if you would like to win a place on my Huna Weekend Workshop in May.  This is egg number 1 of 5.  For more information about the Huna Workshop click here)

Easter Egg Hunt - Egg 1 of 5
Easter Egg Hunt – Egg 1 of 5

In those times these 3 words are not just music to my ears, they also, as the author of the Blog below shares, hold a much deeper meaning and resonance.

It’s not something that I’ve consciously thought about because I am usually in the position where it is often far easier and quicker for me to take charge and decide, because along with all of the other decisions that are constantly being made it’s really no big deal to handle a few more.

Bryan’s article however reminded me that even though I am more than capable of making a decision, sometimes it’s nice not to have to.

To discover the 3 little words, click here.

Marilyn Devonish ♥




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