Today is a new day

Today is a new day.

Obvious statement. Of course it is. Everyday is a new day.

But what does that REALLY mean? To really know it, hear, feel it, understand it, and embrace it perhaps isn’t quite so obvious.

For me it means that the struggles, trials, tribulations, disappointments, dramas, or annoyances of yesterday should be left behind and that the day, today, can be started afresh.

For me it means that jobs put off, intentions not fulfilled, ideas not followed through yesterday or in the past can, where it is still appropriate, be brought to life again and started anew with fresh perspective, inspiration, knowledge or wisdom.

For me it means that yesterday and the past don’t have to define me. It is what I do now, in this moment that really counts.

For me it means the chance to right any wrongs, to put things right, to release old judgements and limitations.

(We interrupt your regular programming for the first of the EASTER EGG HUNT prizes if you would like to win a place on my Huna Weekend Workshop in May.  This is egg number 2 of 5.  For more information about the Huna Workshop click here)

Easter Egg Hunt - Egg number 2 of 5
Easter Egg Hunt – Egg number 2 of 5

For me it means not beating oneself up about the ‘could have’ and ‘should have’ moments of life. Instead accepting what is and deciding what you will do differently next time should the opportunities arise again.

For me it means embracing this new day and everything that it has to offer so that one can really start afresh.

Marilyn Devonish

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