The Gratitude Moment


I went to see my Doctor today.  As I was getting up to leave I decided to stop and tell her what I was thinking and what was on my mind because I think it is sometimes good to share where you are at.  She looked shocked . . . . . . . .

I said: “Can I just say that I really like you. You are smart, on the ball, switched on, you listen, and you really know your stuff.  It is always a pleasure to see you.”

She went quiet for what seemed like the longest time and then said: “Thank you. We only ever hear from people when they have a complaint, so it is really good for both me and The Practice to know that people are happy with what we are doing.  Thank you.”

I was then a bit shocked. This woman is so awesome that I’m surprised she isn’t getting compliments if not every single day (because I understand that when people are ill they are in their stuff), at least several times a week.

How is it that we live in a world with so many forms of communication yet, great people can go unrecognised and unappreciated?

Now, before any of you get up in arms about the fact that people in the caring and helping professions aren’t in it for the recognition, that is not what I am saying. I just happen to believe that a little bit of thanks and gratitude can go a very very very long way because if people are only ever a battering ram for what goes wrong it must be extremely difficult at times to keep going. And, if someone just happens to be doing their job and is doing it exceptionally well, all the more reason to let them know that someone has noticed.

So, the request that I put out into the Universe today is that if someone does something good, nice, or helpful and you are on the receiving end of such a deed, stop and acknowledge that, and take just 30 seconds to tell them.

Marilyn Devonish

“The Coaches Coach and the Trainers Trainer”

Trance Formations TM

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