“OMG!!! That is so spot on it’s freaky! No wonder I haven’t been able to move on with the best will in the world!”
That was the reaction within 5 minutes of introducing one of my Breakthrough Coaching Clients to this new Soul Transformation Process and doing the first diagnostic about what was keeping them stuck despite their best efforts.
What follows is on overview of the new Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy (CIT) Process. The month marks the first time that these sessions are available here in the UK, and I (Marilyn Devonish) am one of the first Certified Practitioners.

Because it’s so new and my clients have been asking me to explain a bit more about it, I have done my best in this Blog to give you an over of both the process, and a result of what you can expect by taking part.
I have outlined 2 complete Case Studies, and then given an overview of the CIT Process, the types of problems and issues you can use this modality for, and an overview of the various Soul Transformation Interventions and processes. I have also outlined details about where you can get further information on booking a session.
The first Case Study Session took just 59 minutes!
The Problem
My client was feeling fed up, defeated, struggling physically and lacking energy, feeling frustrated, de-energised, procrastinating, feeling helpless as though at the whim of others, had fallen into victim mode mentality and felt as though they had literally been knocked down.
The “Wow” Beginning
Last week I go my client to intuitively choose a card via e-mail where they just thought of a number within a certain range. Today, during the live session I decided to do another card pick and use the method that I utilise when doing my telephone and Skype Angel Tarot Readings where I put the card face down and the client tells me when to ‘stop’ as I run my hands over the back of them. Using that method today we chose exactly the same card! That was the first wow within 5 minutes of starting the Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy Process.
Start With The End In Mind
I like to benchmark my sessions so I asked how they would know that the Soul Transformation Session had been a success regardless of the immediate outside forces. They said: “I will get up. That’s how I’ll know.”
They knew what that statement meant to them from an NLP sub modalities point of view.
The Issues
We then got started.
Having chosen the Polarity to work on, the Soul Plan Card that came up in this case was around issues of self worth, self loathing, jealousy, ancestral patterns of restraint, limitations, both conscious and sub conscious vows of poverty and chastity, and the sublimination of sexual energy, we then chose another Soul Plan Card to determine the Separation Issue and from there find the specific problem and intervention to use. (It does all totally make sense when you’re actually there and doing it!)
In this case it was around clearing the embodiment of old trauma, and the specific interventions that apply are Archetypes embodiment, Soul Plan Trauma Release, or a Soul Retrieval Process.
The Results Of The Soul Transformation CIT Session
After the Soul Transformation Session this is what the client has to say:
“When I did the final piece of seeing an image of myself in the future I could see people lining up and following me, people who are inspired by my work, and it went from one to many really quickly.
I had set myself a challenge to say I would get up, and I got up, and stood up, and started pacing. When you did the Forgiveness piece about integrating with those part of myself I felt the weirdest tingling feeling in my root chakra, it was an insane tingling and was totally totally weird, and by the time I went into the upper realm (this is part of the Soul Retrieval Process), I was sat up, bullet straight, and the energy pushed me up and straightened me up, and then as I saw myself in the future I literally felt as though the energy was lifting me up.
When we started I felt as though I was slouched down in the corner, and during that process I felt myself being lifted up. I definitely feel that I’ve moved 4 or 5 levels up on the energy scale because I was down in the black today before this call.
I feel different in my body already and it feels like a weight has been lifted.”
Wow. This whole process, from diagnostic, identifying the Polarity, pinpointing the Separation Pattern, Finding the Story, Doing the Soul Transformation Intervention Work, the Forgiveness Process, and the Soul Plan Card Reading to round off the session was done in 59 minutes + 3 minutes for me to explain about the process and why we haven’t yet had any Practitioners up until now outside of Japan.
This time we were working on a completely different issue and set of circumstances and used a very different approach in resolving the issue and resulting polarities.
The “Spot On” Beginning
Within the first 5 minutes of the session my client said:
“I have to say with that first card and what you explained, it’s really spot on and really fits with where I am in my life. Also the polarity that you mentioned and the internal conflict, I am sabotaging myself so it really resonates.”
The Results of the Soul Transformation Session
After the 1-Hour 20 minute Session my client said:
“It was very powerful so I’m really speechless and it feels like whatever you need just comes up in the (Soul Plan) cards. The first card about Assimilation and Structure and harmony is really spot on for me, and the polarity of life and death is almost connected to the Archetypes (which later came up as the required Intervention work).
I have done similar processes with the Archetypes work so this is not new for me but this process today is really really powerful because it’s shifted stuff I wasn’t even aware of . . . It’s amazing. Thank you so much Marilyn. I would say it’s been life changing, and I think I need the rest of the week to process this!!
I feel like: “Oh oh, now I’m in a different body, but that’s good!” It’s like the cape or the dress that I’ve been wearing feels lighter, and the energy around me has changed in such a short space of time.
I can feel it already, I feel lighter because there are aspects of yourself that you know about but you don’t know what to do with them, and this process is so powerful. Sometimes you don’t know what is sabotaging you. . . this process is crazy. Wow!!!! I have to thank you for choosing me to experience this.”
Wow. This one would require a whole essay and Blog post of its very own. This was the first full on client session that I had done using the Core Issue Therapy processes, so this session was 6 hours, which we did in one sitting rather than a series of shorter sessions. As it was one of my TranceFormation Programme clients we did the session in person.
The client said at the end of the processes:
“I just feel like a totally different person because I’d forgotten about that side of me. The block that was there this morning? I just can’t see it (when we started it was a couple of inches from Sheena’s face and blocking the view of the future). I can see me out there and it’s doable, it’s seeable, it’s possible. Oh wow. I’m in shock. Now I feel faint! LOL. It’s just like wow. Wow . . . . Wow.”
They also shared on Facebook on the evening of the session:
“Wow wow wow & beyond was definitely the order of the day!!! Now I’m not very often lost for words but to say both Marilyn & I were both speechless at the miracles that unfolded today would be an understatement.
Who needs drugs to get high when a Soul transformation Core issueTherapy Process with Marilyn would get you as high as a kite and ‘beyond’ in the most awesome & amazing way!!!
There’s definitely been a transformation of epic proportions it’s almost like the armour that was weighing me down has been removed in the most ecological way with grace & ease & of course Marilyn’s magic!!!
This is just a snippet of what unfolded today, who knew that a drive to Watford on a very cold & wet day to Marilyn’s Magical abode would result in being transported to an entirely different universe, worlds & lifetimes & as Marilyn says watch this space!!!”
We also had something happen during the Archetypes ’embodiment’ process that left me beyond words and just stunned. It was so amazing that at one point I crept backwards to my desk while the client was doing the process so that I could film part of it to show them after the process. I also did a transcript of what was shared during the process because it was such profound stuff and I knew my client most likely wouldn’t consciously remember it all. The word WOW doesn’t even begin to cover it.
It’s a standalone process but WOW . . .
Although related to the Soul Plan Readings; the Soul Plan Cards which we use to determine the Life Polarities at play, the Separation Patterns, and for the 3-Card Reading at the end are based on the 22 aspect of the Soul Plan, it is a standalone process and does not require that you’ve had a Soul Plan Reading beforehand.
The 4th Case Study Session that I did was with someone who had done a Soul Plan Reading Session with me just over a year ago.
As we did the 3-Card Reading at the end, the client remembered that what is known as the overall ‘gifts or rewards’ card was that same as her Soul Destiny. I pulled up her Soul Plan on my screen to double check, and sure enough, all of the cards that showed up in the Soul Plan Card Reading during this Session were related to her original Soul Plan from the year before. (Your Soul Plan is based upon your birth name so it is unique and individual to you).
The cards and her individual Soul Plan Chart are below:

If you’ve got good eyesight (or enlarge your screen), you will see that the ‘6-6′ squiggle in in the centre of the Chart which represents the Soul Destiny is the same as the card above, as are the ’12’ which features in their Spiritual Challenge Section, and the ‘8’ which is their Spiritual Goals.

Uncanny to say the least!
I’ve written a series of Blogs about the various aspects of the Soul Plan Reading. To see those click here. I also did a retrospective Blog for Whitney Houston and prepared her Soul Plan Chart to see how it fit with her life which you can read here.
What Is Soul Transformation CIT (Core Issue Therapy)?
Now for the science bit, and I have to say, compared to many of the other 20 or so modalities that I am trained in, this is one of the most scientific, analytical, and process driven. That said, the process and analysis has so far been spot on every single time I’ve used it, which at this point is around 20 times, and of course that number will increase over time as I really get started.

Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy™ is based around the 22 Soul Plan Cards, and it has proven to be an incredible way to not just identify what your core issue is, but also provide an accurate a diagnostic tool to identify the precise intervention to resolve it.
When I signed up for the Soul Transformation Soul Cards Practitioner Training I had no idea what to expect aside from the fact that we would be using some kind of ‘Soul Plan Tarot Cards’ and that it was an accurate diagnostic process for truly uncovering core issues.
It sounded similar that what I already do however I could not have predicted what actually happened and the results that were attained.
It is more like a mathematical system which was ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON for every single person in the room even though there are some 22 x 154 variations to choose from. A little like doing the Angel Tarot Card Readings to begin with, yet much more systematic and process based. It was accurate beyond belief.

What Sort of Things Can You Use It For?
There is actually an A-Z list of issues, solutions, and standard ‘separation’ patterns, which I won’t attempt to replicate here.
In a nutshell it starts by identifying the life polarity at play. For example, The Fool Complex can include things like: the struggle between wisdom and the fool, problems which emanate from not being understood, oversensitivity, or making the wrong decisions.
The Self Worth Complex encompasses self loathing, jealousy, ancestral patterns of restraint, and subconscious vows of poverty or chastity.
The Abundance and Trust Complex is about now allowing the flow of abundance, lack of trust in the universe and issues around feeling loved, gratitude, self respect, and respect for others. It can also encompass issues around greed, self centredness, hypochondria, and manifesting betrayal scenarios.
There are 7 of these key polarities as outlined above, and then 154 combinations of what are known as the Standard Separation Patterns. These include things like unresolved grief, stagnation, abuse or unspecified trauma, giving away power, unintegrated male and female side, specific chakra blockages, abundance issues, false self and protective masking, fear of exposure, missing soul fragment, conflicting or unintegrated parts, and self destructive behaviour.
How Do You Decide What To Work On?
Rather than guessing or intuiting, the Soul Transformation CIT Process uses a number of numerical references and grids to select which issues to work on. For example choosing card number 3, Polarity 2 (Self Worth), matched with Card Number 7 = Fear of Exposure.
You then use another A-Z Chart to determine the specific Interventions to choose from, which in this example would include working with The Archetypes, or doing a Soul Plan Trauma Release process.
How Does The Soul Transformation Process Work?
It is an 8 stage Soul Transformation Process and you can do it one intervention at a time, or through a series of longer or extended sessions or over a period of time if there are several issues to work through. The complete Soul Card Transformation Process is outlined below:
- Setting the sacred space.
- Soul Card Reading to determine the Separation Pattern.
- The Core Issue Diagnostic
- Exploration of the Soul Story.
- The Soul Re-Alignment Intervention(s).
- The Forgiveness Integration Process
- The Soul Card Future Insights Reading.
- The Integration & Grounding Process
How Do You Actually Release And Resolve The Core Issue?
Once you have chosen the Soul Plan Cards and done the Core Issue Diagnostic there are a number of key Soul Transformation Interventions to choose from. These include:
- Soul Retrieval
- Odic Bonding
- Soul Plan Trauma Release
- Soul Plan Hologram Reading
- Meeting Your Soul Purpose Guide
- Cord Balancing & Vow Break
- Boundary Tapping and Infinity Rewiring
- Archetypes & Shadow Exploration
- The Forgiveness Integration Process
Again, all will become clear during the actual CIT Session, and there is a systematic process for selecting the intervention(s) which is most appropriate for the issue being worked on.
How Long Does A Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy Session Take?
A one-off Session typically takes 60-minutes. If doing more than one Intervention, then 90-minute would be required. The first session outlined above was 59 minutes, the second case study session was 1 hour and 20 minutes as I decided to spend some extra time exploring several of the Archetypes which were at play and causing the inner turmoil, self sabotage, and conflict.
How And Where Are The Sessions Conducted?
The sessions can be done by telephone or Skype so are also suitable for those living outside of London and abroad.
What’s The Investment?
At this introductory stage, the CIT Session options are outlined below:
1-Hour Soul Transformation Session – £130
90-Minute Soul Transformation Session – £180
Block Booking of 10 Soul Transformation Sessions – £1100
Payment can be made via credit card/PayPal or bank transfer.
You do not need to have had a Soul Plan Reading before undertaking this process. (Please note these pre-launch prices are only available until my new website goes up in November. Thereafter please refer to www.tranceformationsTM.com/soulplan for current prices).
What is a Soul Plan?
In a nutshell your Soul Plan is like seeing your entire life mapped out before you on 4 sheets of paper. Based on your personal birth name it outlines your Worldly Goals, Worldly Talents, and Worldly Challenges, your Spiritual Goals, Spiritual Talents, Spiritual Challenges, and your Soul Destiny. Again, as with this process my clients are always blown away once we’ve done a detailed Soul Plan Reading.
These can again be done via telephone or Skype. You will find an overview on my website: Soul Plan Readings
I have also done a more detailed Soul Plan for the late Whitney Houston which gives you a much better idea of how it all works in practice and how the Soul Plan related to both her life and death. To read that Blog Whitney Houston Soul Plan by Marilyn Devonish
It’s rather challenging to put into words. The best I can say is:
- It’s amazing
- It’s one of those things where you have to suck it and see so to speak because all the glowing testimonials in the world won’t give you an experience of what it actually feels like to have that weight lifted and the light of your soul come on.
My website and contact details are below, and I have also shared a personal message from the creator Blue Marsden about the process.
Marilyn Devonish
Website: www.tranceformationsTM.com
E-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com
Facebook: /marilyndevonish (I am getting close to being maxed out on friends however do feel free to follow me)
A Message from Soul Plan Therapy Creator Blue Marsden
Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy™
A new course came through to me in 2013 which I have taught many times in Japan but never in the UK until October 2015. Last weekend I tried it out with some of our Soul Plan teachers and a few advanced practitioners (of which Marilyn Devonish was one). We had an amazing and transformational few days and I think it will work very well in English too.
The Soul Transformation Core Issue Therapy promises to prove invaluable for all those looking for a way of identifying current Soul Plan blockages and offering a Soul Plan related system for helping clients move forward post their readings.
Here’s some more information about how the Soul Plan CIT has been progressing:
The last two years in Japan has seen many counsellors, therapists and even doctors offering a new modality – Core Issue Therapy also known in Japan as Soul Plan CIT. This unique modality can be offered completely independently of a Soul Plan Reading and it does not require information on a persons birth name.
This new channelled therapy system uses a playing card size Soul Plan Tarot deck to help diagnose the polarity (we are all affected by polarity challenges even if not in our chart) and then the specific challenge issue which is blocking a person from more fully connecting with their purpose and Soul Plan potential at any time.
The method then provides up to seven healing interventions to clear blockages which includes a tree of life soul retrieval method, an energy psychology / dynamic energy healing method and Soul Plan Archetype work.
Many widely trained therapists in Japan commented that this modality puts together the essence of their favourite modalities into a very clear and structured package and we always ends with a ‘Soul Plan future reading’ which points a way forward for the clients post the healing intervention.
Besides attaining a new healing modality it will be very beneficial on a personal level – so I hope you can make a future training.
Soul Plan CIT – Tarot and Healing Interventions
The CIT workshop is designed to be both healing on a personal level and also to provide the practitioner with more in-depth tools and a clear protocol on:
- Theory of Life Purpose blockages
- Introduction to the Soul Plan Tarot and how to work with a chart of common Soul Plan blockages
- How to diagnose the root cause and core issue
- How to recognise the Soul Energy Archetypes responsible for unconscious patterning within you and your clients
- Meeting and freeing the polarity subpersonalities which operate consciously or unconsciously in each individual
- How to identify and clear client’s life purpose blockages
- Connecting with Soul Purpose Angels/Guides
To book a private Session with Marilyn Devonish for either a Soul Plan Reading or a Soul Transformation CIT Session e-mail: marilyn@tranceformationsTM.com