Marilyn what have you done to me?! It’s amazing to see how quickly your life can change

Watch Out World!!!!

What if you really could achieve dramatic and lasting life changes in just a few hours?
And I mean big stuff.  Even things that have held you back for years, decades or a lifetime.
Attendees both in-person and doing it at home online are often astounded about how much can be achieved in so little time.
“Marilyn I don’t know what you’ve done to me! I’ve moved so far from where I was 2 months ago when I did the course and I got so much more than PhotoReading. Thank you!”
PhotoReading is Life & Career Enhancing
PhotoReading is Life & Career Enhancing
It always surprises people that a course about ‘reading faster’ can change their life in such amazing dramatic ways both in terms of their personal life and business and career.
One of her colleagues from the same bank was there when I did a Keynote Presentation and booked a Skype Coaching Session because she was going for her first interview in 10 years and figured much of what I had said about the benefits of PhotoReading could also be applied to the job interview situation.  She was right.  You can read her incredible story here:
I was pondering it this morning as I looked through some of the incredible testimonials I have gathered over the years.

What causes such a dramatic shift and change?

As complex individuals there are of course a myriad of reasons. I have outlined 3 of the usual suspects are below:
  1. Confidence building. It really is like tapping into a latent super power you didn’t even know you had. People often go from feeling like they are just about keeping up in life or keeping their head above water before they get “found out” to being ahead of the game and feeling more in charge and less overwhelmed.
  2. Clarity. When you are using your mind and brain more efficiently, what we call in #PhotoReading terms the left and right brain integration and ‘whole brain whole mind learning’ attendees have greater clarity of thought and better decision making skills; think of the difference between looking for trigger words vs. trying to focus on everything in the book.
  3. Clearing limiting beliefs. Not so much a direct function of PhotoReading and more to do with the Bonus Huna Sessions I offer, once you clear old limiting beliefs which often tend to surface when people come to class; “I’m not good enough, worthy enough, what if I can’t do it, I’m a slow reader/learner, it won’t work for me” etc., the shift and change on the first evening of the course is usually profound, in as much as people go home on the Friday evening and their family and friends notice the difference.
I will probably expand on this in a Blog at some point because it is fascinating that people’s lives have changed so much after just 2.5 days when the arrive just thinking they’ll read faster.  Everything from confidence, sense of self, and even long standing health issues are transformed. 
"OMG! I couldn't believe how accurate your diagnosis was!" PHOTOREADING DELEGATE AFTER THE BONUS HUNA SESSION
“OMG! I couldn’t believe how accurate your diagnosis was!”
One of my mantras from day 1, which at this point is over 16 years ago, longer if I count my almost instantaneous transition from from what was thought to be early onset Alzheimer’s in my 20’s and struggling for years, to firing on all cylinders after a few short weeks of PhotoReading, has been:
“PhotoReading goes way beyond reading.”
Amazing really.
To join me for my final live Workshop go to:
For Online DVD Video Training & International Skype Coaching go to:
What’s your PhotoReading TranceFormation story?  I’m sure for every one that I hear about there are tons more that I don’t. 
Marilyn Devonish
Certified PhotoReading™ Instructor & The NeuroSuccess™ Coach 

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