Can the trajectory of your entire life really change for the better in one day?
Can you really speak about a long held dream one minute, and quite literally be living it the next? Can you struggle with finding true love or coming into money for almost a decade, and then within months have found the one and had £10,000 and so much more be handed to you on a plate?

“Doing this Fest is one of those things that you must do at least once in your life. Especially sceptics, because it would give you an opportunity to challenge yourself in very unusual and unique ways. You can tell by now that I enjoyed it and I am a fan.”
“After this weekend I seem to have a chilled calmness about me and a glint in the eye and a rye smile with some excitement for what is to come in my life. I have an urge to do lots of different things and enjoy the wonders that life has to offer.”
Sound too good to be true? Read on! And also check out the #MBSEnergyFest # for client stories, testimonials, and feedback.
It all started with a dream . . . . . And if you prefer to watch and listen rather than read the back story, plus your a Clairvoyant Reading, Angel Tarot Reading, and Huna Energy Clearing Session is all in the video below:
I’d had one of my worst years in 2011 and one night that November I sat pondering what I needed to ensure that the following year was way better and how I might really leave the past behind me. I woke up at 3am the next day with the thought and idea that I needed to work on clearing and healing my mind, my body, my spirit and my soul.
No problemo. I am an NLP Master Practitioner and Trainer so the mind stuff is very easy. As well as knowing that the mind and body are connected, so working on the mind has a wonderful knock on effect on the body, I also have several modalities (Huna, DNA Theta Healing, EFT, Reiki etc) that I use for physical healing work so that was cool.
I do Angel Tarot Card Readings and Higher Self work, and am now a Soul Plan Reader, so the spirit and soul were also nicely taken care of.
I then started thinking that if I’d had a challenging year, that other people might also be in the same boat. That was also paired with the reminder that even though I am more than capable, I didn’t have to do everything myself, so how about inviting in other people who also specialise in those respective fields. It was then that the idea for my Mind Body Spirt Energy Fest Workshop was born.
By 5am that morning I had sketched out the idea for the Workshop. By 8am I had put the draft Eventbrite page together, and I then paced around for an hour waiting until it was a decent hour to phone the other specialists that I had in mind, all of whom immediately said yes, and one of which said she had been thinking about me the past few months and was thinking that it would be nice to work together.
The stage was set, and with just 3 weeks lead time I managed to get a room full of people together for that first Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest TranceFormational Workshop and journey.

Among the participants for that very first 1-Day Workshop was Ammana. She randomly kind of blurted out during the Future Focus Session that she wanted to go and live in Saudi or Dubai teaching English. She had never been to Saudi or Dubai. She didn’t have the relevant teaching certificates or qualifications, and was to be perfectly frank a black woman with dreadlocks who likes to look fly and wear bling so living in Saudi Arabia wouldn’t necessarily be the first choice of location that sprang to mind. Still, within 6 months, following a series of seemingly inexplicable and magical synchronicities Ammana had given up her job in the UK, let her house, gotten her teaching qualification, done a Skype interview with a wet towel on her head, and landed a job out in Saudi Arabia! It would take too long to put it all down in written form here however you can watch our video interview on my Client Testimonials Page where we discuss the incredible #synchronicity domino effect that followed what I call that ‘Speak It Into Existence’ moment on the MBS Energy Fest Workshop (scroll down to the 4th video and look for the leopard skin sofa).

We also had Keith in attendance that day who had been single yet looking for love for many years. He spoke of wanting to meet someone wonderful to share his life with and also had some financial challenges that he wanted to work through.
Keith returned to the Workshop as my guest a year later with his new partner and to share his journey and strategies following the Breakthrough Coaching Work that we had done. He also shared the £10,000 Cheque story which is incredible to say the least! (See photo at the top of this Blog for the winning photo). In a nutshell, we did a Coaching Session where Keith talked about needing a lump sum of money and saying how it would be great to win the £10,000 prize draw which was on offer at a dinner he was attending some weeks later so we did some work around clearing the energy and pathway for that. The rest as they say is history. I did a Facebook Live video where I share more of that story, together with the story of the attendee who dreamed of paying off their credit cards and have now done it!!!! Click here to watch the video.
Everything that I worked on here last year came true so I am back for more of the same!
I always start my Workshops with finding out why people have attended and what they would like to take away or learn as a result of the event. It was year 3 or 4 of the MBS Energy Fest Workshop and the first person to speak said:
“Everything that I worked on and put in my goals list and letter when I was here last time came true throughout the year, so I am back for more of the same!”
The next person spoke and said exactly the same thing, as did another 5 or so participants. I had no idea that was the case because I hadn’t been in contact with them since the previous December day outside of those who had taken part in the Power of 3 Coaching Programme.
Wow. Just amazing.
And in our 6th year we had a couple of sceptics attend the Workshop. This is what they had to say:
“Dear Marilyn
I did not know what to expect from the weekend but ‘trusted’ that it would be good for me. I am soooo glad I did.
Days later I just thought I would let you know what has happened.
I kept remembering that you said ‘notice what you notice’ and decided to make a record of what and when I ‘noticed’. Well….on the 7th of December, I recorded 7 happenings. I mentioned someone’s name and within minutes got an email from them, nothing new for me except this happened 3 times within hours.
I recorded other things too and by the evening I had only recorded 6. I went to bed and woke up remembering the 7th, then realised the number 7 connection.
Since attending your workshop I have been blown away by the number of things that I have noticed, appreciated and opened my mind to, all in less than a week. I am just so excited about what is still to come.
Thank you Marilyn.”
Another delegate for whom this is their thing also had a message for the sceptics:
“So I am still celebrating my birthday week. On Saturday the 3rd and Sunday the 4th December I attended Marilyn Devonish and Gina Batt Mind body and Spirit fest.
I have been to many weekend events and enjoyed them and this by far sets a new standard. The great thing about it was how the changes occur outside of your conscious awareness. I really enjoyed the game of life created by Gina Batt which had people who normally wouldn’t give 100 per cent outside their comfort zone, engaging in some really creative ways of expressing themselves.
I really enjoyed the future life progression, I have always said that there are a million versions of ourselves and which one do you really want to meet. Well FLP allowed me to meet my ultimate future self and that was an experience to say the least.
There was much more to the week dealing with clearing old limiting beliefs, Huna, I experience time distortion.
Doing this fest is one of those things that you must do at least once in your life. Especially sceptics, because, it would give you an opportunity to challenge yourself in very unusually and unique ways.
You can tell by now that I enjoyed it and I am a fan.
Thank you Marilyn Devonish and Gina Batt for exposing me to a wonderful time especially on my birthday xxxxx.” Ejay Ikonneh
Another attendee said:
“I wish I could do this every week lol. After this weekend I seem to have a chilled calmness about me and a glint in the eye and a rye smile with some excitement for what is to come in my life. I have an urge to do lots of different things and enjoy the wonders that life has to offer.
Another thing when doing processes at other events you forget what you said but at Marilyn‘s MBS event you get a person to write it down for you. Loved that.” Mike Cotton
One of my returning delegates said:
“I had had a fantastic time attending the Mind-Body-Spirit Event that Marilyn Devonish and Gina Batt held at the weekend.
It was such an amazing way to wrap up 2016, clear whatever blocks, attachments, whatever does not serve us anymore, and then set a clean slate to step into 2017 in a magical way effortlessly and with ease. After attending last year I had to be back.
Why this event?
This is not a goal setting event. It is an essential detox and restart for the mind body and soul. It’s about heightened awareness, cleansing the depth of our being and deep inner connection that are absolutely essential in preparing us to recalibrate and step towards the next chapters of our life in a way which is congruent to our heart and our true being. If I could I would gift this to every single human being. From this space goal setting is effortless.
In terms of living a life of joy I would say processes like the ones in this event are more than 80% essential, while goals setting less then 20%. We are human beings not human doings afterall.
Have a look at the life FB videos posted by Marilyn during the weekend (the Facebook Live links are posted below) to get a better feeling.
Now go on and book your place for December 2017! It is truly life changing and amazing way to step into your power and gracefully step into the year ahead.” Magdalena Baciu
Previous delegates have said of the previous 1-Day version of this Workshop:
“Spectacular. At least 11/10!”
“A fantastic way to end a year and set intentions for the year ahead.”
“If you are feeling blocked about the next steps in your life this is the perfect workshop for you.”
“This is a fantastic way to complete a year and resourcefully start into the new one equipped with all you need and freed from limitations. Absolutely amazing in every way.”
“I would highly recommend the Fest, it was a wonderful way to create the success I want to achieve in the next year.”
“The event has been amazing, as amazing as the one last year. It delivered once again above expectations in all ways.”
“Brilliant speakers. Marilyn and Gina are a cut above the rest.”
Delegates the year before that said:
“I’m still in awe of how fabulous Saturday was Marilyn, I didn’t even know I could go that far in one day! I shall keep you posted.”
“I will second that in thanking Marilyn for another mind-expanding and out-of-ordinary experience.”
“Mind-blowing and heart-expanding.”
“Spent an amazing day at the MBS Energy Fest with the lovely Marilyn Devonish. Can’t wait to see what the next year holds.”
“Many thanks to You, Gina, Sukhi, Lisa and Leena for such a spectacular and enjoyable day yesterday.
I look forward to receiving my letter in the post in due course.”
Thank you also for your efforts in organising another great event. I also look forward to December 5th 2015!”
“Many thanks for organising a really good day yesterday. I felt exhausted by the end as my subconscious was very busy processing. I’m intrigued with what will as a consequence.”
“Fabulous day at Marilyn Devonish’s Mind Body Spirit day today. Some amazing speakers and powerful processes. Thank you Marilyn, Gina, Lisa and Suhki! And thank you again lovely Linda for the ticket! Think I’ll sleep like I’ve been knocked out tonight . Zzzzzzzz”
You will find further delegate testimonials and letters dating back over the past 6 years at:
So what do we actually DO at the Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Event?
As the name suggests, it’s a day, and now 2 focused on looking at what you can do the energise, clear out, and realign you mind body spirit and soul. Each year for the past 5 years I have always introduced and premiered something new for my attendees.
In year 1 I had just studied Energetic NLP. In year 2 it was the now infamous combination of the Huna and Access Consciousness. In year 3 it I became a Soul Plan Reader, hence offering a free Soul Plan Report to all attendees. In year 4 I became a Future Life Progression Practitioner, which alongside the Huna has become a firm favourite amongst the #MBSEnergyFest attendees, and in year 5 I debuted, for the first time outside of Japan, the Soul Plan Core Issue Therapy Process having become a Practitioner in that also. For year 6 Gina Batt premiered her Game of Life Card Deck which also went down very well with the delegates.
The Workshop is a mixture of Mindset Coaching, private Journaling, an introduction to new transformational topics and theories, experiential work, Belief Change Sessions, Energetic Goal Setting, Psychic and Angel Tarot Readings, and a host of other things besides, which all get magically woven into the #MBSEnergyFest event.
I surveyed previous attendees this year to find out what they had enjoyed most and found the most beneficial over the years, and all of those elements are incorporated into our core processes. Each year attendees also receive a written Psychic Channelled Reading for the year ahead in addition to their Soul Plan Report, and the Messages from your Spirit Guides and the Angel Tarot Readings are available throughout the weekend.
I could go on however this Blog already runs to just over 2,500 words!
Having created it myself I know that that is a very unique combination and experience, and this one was our best year yet, and we are all set for 2017, having had 75% of this year’s attendees immediately book on the Sunday night to attend next year. That also means that if I use the same hotel we’re nearly sold out for December 2017, so if you would definitely like to attend please book your place now.
If you know someone who would benefit from attending this event do please share this link with them.
And whatever it is that you do for closing off one year and to get ready for the New Year ahead, wishing you all a good one!
To book your place for next year if there are still spaces available go to:
Marilyn Devonish
Creator for the MBS Energy Fest
Main Website:
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