My Income Has Increased by 300% Since Working with You Marilyn Devonish

“My income has increased by 300% since working with you Marilyn Devonish.”

I don’t think I do enough hype.

For the Coaches, Trainers, and Workshop Facilitators out there, I would love to hear your thoughts on this one.  I would also love to hear from those who are the clients on the receiving end of training.

Money Breakthrough Coaching Results
Money Breakthrough Coaching Results

I’ve had many realisations with the Workshops that I’ve run this summer. Number 1, I decided to experiment and see if summer workshops are viable.  For me, not so much, however I’m sure that there are full summer workshops and retreats across the land so I need to look more closely at how I’m doing what I do.

Tonight/this morning I was thinking about money having taken myself through the exercises that I’ve designed for those attending my Money Breakthrough Workshop later on today.

The thing that just occurred to me having completed the exercises, is that regardless of time of year, I don’t think I do enough hype.

What do I mean by that?  I mean that thing where you are making BIG BOLD statements like: “Your income will increase by 300% working with me” or “You will go from making £10k per month to breaking the £100,000 a month barrier.”

And yes, it is true.  I’ve had clients experience that, and one went from struggling to make £10K a month, to hitting their first ever £100,000 within 5 weeks of working me, something they’d never achieved in the 7 or so years that they had been in business.

I’ve  also had clients say things like:

“Yes Marilyn feel free to use this quote that I will repeat here: Money has
been flowing in my direction ever since I joined your money programme. Have
just registered for your new Science of Getting Programme, yay, I paid using
passive income received whilst sleeping. I kid you not!!”  SUSAN FRITSCHE, LAWYER

Hey, here’s £11,000 just for coming to dinner!

And I’ve had cool crazy stuff like a client who attended a dinner where a £10,000 cheque was up for grabs as a raffle prize.  During his Breakthrough Coaching Sessions we worked on setting his intention on winning it.  He first won the £1,000 raffle prize which was great, and he said the now infamous “thank you mantra” and then restated his intention and reminded the universe that he was there to win the £10,000.  He walked home with that £10k cheque.

Keith set his intention on winning the £10,00 cheque!
Keith set his intention on winning the £10,00 cheque!

The next question of introspection was with countless results like that, both when working with people one-to-one and with my Online eCoaching and Teleseminar Programmes was:

Why have I never been out there hyping things up given my consistently amazing results over the past 16 years?

My first answer was that: because I know that every single person that I work with may not get exactly the same results, I am not going to base my whole marketing strategy on just my most impressive results.

The question after that was:

Why not?  It seems as though everybody else does?

The first answer was that I’ve seen people ‘dining out’ on just one result and milking it like they are the master of the universe, so they’re attracting lots of people to their events, yet the majority of those people will drop a load of cash on a pipe dream and come out empty handed, and often even worse off than they started.

And that can come down to both buying into hype, and from the fact that everyone doesn’t necessarily apply themselves in order to get amazing results even when handed a great strategy.

My brain was then like: Well hold on now there buddy!!!  You’ve got a MS Word ‘Client Testimonials’ document that runs to over 800 pages (yes, I said eight hundred pages, that’s not a typo!)  

My client testimonials document - it got too big after 647 pages so I had to start a new one!
My client testimonials document – it got too big after 647 pages so I had to start a new one!

I know as a Coach and Therapist that I can’t hold myself responsible for clients not applying things or following through, yet somehow as I reflect on this, I kinda am when it comes to external marketing.

So the mini #dilemma I find myself in is:

Do I continue to understate what I do and just leave people to be delightfully blown away when what we do far exceeds their expectations, which is what 9/10 is always the case, or do I go for the big hype, leading with and highlighting my most amazing success stories?

Hmmmmmm, #pondering

I would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this one.

Marilyn Devonish

To join the Online Money Breakthrough eCoaching Programme go to:

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