How to Get Back into Your Little Black Dress in Just a Few Weeks! Even over Christmas!

How to get back into your #LittleBlackDress

Imagine the scene: You got one of those vacuum pack storage bags and sucked your little black dress into it several Christmases ago because you just couldn’t squeeze into it anymore.  Several years later you attend a 1-Day Workshop where the Workshop Leader Marilyn Devonish says that she will be sharing some “5 Minute Health TranceFormation Techniques” that are be easy to do, don’t require a gym membership, and where the majority of them are pretty much free of charge!  You attend on 21st October; not long to go until Christmas, and on 2nd January, a mere 10 weeks later, and including the Christmas food and festivities, you have this to report . . . . .

#HealthTranceFormation - Which dress are you aiming for?
– Which dress are you aiming for?

I received this amazingly inspirational post in my Facebook Membership Group last night. It’s a follow up from one of the #HealthTranceFormation Workshop attendees who has been applying my 5 Minute #MarilynsHealthHacks #MarilynsMindHacks and #MarilynsLifeHacks that I shared with them 10 weeks ago at the Workshop. They said:

“Just an update on the one day health workshop and my juicing & walking, have not lost weight on scales – but have stopped looking somewhat and am toning up.

I am up to 15/16k steps a day and am working on getting to a milestone of 20k. I am still juicing (gave it up for Christmas/New Year and indulged in a few glasses of bubbly (grapes count don’t they?) instead.

I have something amazing to share.. I got into a slinky black velvet dress that was vacuumed packed away for a few years on New Year’s Day. I was sooooo ridiculously happy, I can’t tell you the last time I got into a beautiful dress and felt and looked wonderful and that is really from the juicing towards the end of October right into the 3rd week of December and of course the daily walking.

Thank you, Marilyn and everyone else for sharing your encouraging stories. Please do continue sharing them because I know I don’t go onto facebook often but I do go back and read comments even though I may be a bit late in replying and it’s great for me to read about your successes as well I also have to go next week and pick up my belly button gizmo and get fit in time for the workshop I am running at the end of January.”  Winniefred T Carneiro


#WOW is that incredible or what???????  The joy of doing things that are fun and easy, and after just a few weeks being able to slink back into a favourite dress (or suit for you gentlemen).  The fact that Winnifred is now able to slink back into her ‘little black dress’ having not been able to for years means that the weight is coming off!  (We talked about the weird fluctuations of the internal workings and why the scales are often very misleading and demoralising at the Live Workshop).

I also had someone share at the Mind Body Spirit Energy Fest Workshop that I ran 4 weeks ago that they had lost weight and DRAMATICALLY changed their perception of their body and health since they attended in October.

Another attendee said 2 weeks after attending the Workshop:

“Hi Marilyn,

Thank you so much for the amazing Health TranceFormation workshop. I found it so very helpful. Thank you for following up too.

  • I am drinking the mix that you suggested every morning and it really sets me up for the day
  • I have purchased the Belly Button Healing Wand and have started using this and notice if I forget to use one day (for those who are interested in this life changing little ditty I have also set up a discount code with the UK stockist so just email me for details).
  • I’m getting up and dancing/bopping more.
  • I’m doing more Ha Breathing and Meditating (there is a Free Huna video on my website that explains this.  CLICK HERE – no need to login, just scroll down to the 3rd video).
  • I’m am also trying to think about more colour in my food choices (I talked about my ‘Rainbow Foods’ Technique).

I have been thinking about the Kangen Water and need to read the literature as it is a big outlay.”

That is just amazing. I have been cultivating these ideas for decades so I know that they work however it is still wonderful to see them work for other people in such a short space of time.

Well done Winniefred and keep up the amazing and incredible work and progress.

For those who have been wondering “what” Winniefred did, below is a summary of what I shared with everyone on the day:

The Health TranceFormation Workshop Agenda
The Health TranceFormation Workshop Agenda

I first created a couple of the Mind Hacks and Life Hacks back in 1975 when I was just 7 years old, in response to the abuse that I was experiencing at the time.  A lot of them I developed in response to a thyroid problem where I ballooned up from being a natural size 8, up to a size 16 in just a matter of weeks and was subsequently unable to lose the weight despite drastically changing my diet, cutting out tea and coffee and sweets and sugar and going to the gym and pumping serious weights 5 times a week and even taking up martial arts.

#HealthTranceFormation - A summary of the situation that started it all . . .
– A summary of the situation that started it all . . .

The problem was that serious and mysterious in terms of my inability to lose weight that I was referred to a number of specialist clinics, including one for my heart because it was seriously under strain as a result of the way my treatment was handled; but that’s a whole other story!  You can read all about it here in the interview that I did for Lynne McTaggart’s WDDTY (What Doctors Don’t Tell You) website:

A summary of the medical files and documentation from 20 years ago when this all started
A very small selection of the myriad of doctors reports and specialist tests

I was too tired and sluggish to even get to the gym when the illness really took hold, plus I found myself out of work so couldn’t afford to go even if I wanted to.  I also felt too fat and embarrassed to be seen out in public in gym attire and that is where my mind really spoke to me in very direct terms and how I came up with the 5 Minute Routines and Life Hacks back in 1998.

This was all way before my foray into personal development however since becoming an NLP, Hypnosis and Time Line Therapy Master Practitioner and Trainer in 2000, and qualifying in another 20 or so other modalities since then,  I continued to refine the techniques, strategies and approaches, which I then further enhanced a few years ago with all of the NeuroSuccess™ and neuroscience research.  With the newer things like the Kangen Water and Belly Button Healing, I’ve only been using them for 10 – 4 months respectively so I know that although extremely beneficial and amazing, they aren’t crucial to the plan, and Winnie at this point isn’t using either of them.

There isn’t another live Health TranceFormation event planned at the moment but if you would like to pre-register your interest you can go to: and if there are enough people who have expressed an interest I will think about running another one or doing it as a Global Teleseminar Series so that you can take part from the comfort of your own home wherever you happen to be in the world.

I will provide future updates in my eNewsletter which you can sign up to on the same page as this Blog, scroll up, top right.

Winniefred is also a very gifted Therapist.  You can check out her work and website here:

Marilyn Devonish ♥


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